Master of Science in Data Science La Salle Campus Barcelona URL

Master of Science in Data Science

Become an expert in analysing, structuring, filtering, visualizing and valuing the production of generated data

Nid: 5396

In the La Salle’s Master of Science in Data Science you will receive training with the exclusive methodology "learning by challenge", which consists of learning based on experience and the achievement of challenges through the combination of:

  • Lectures.
  • Seminars by experts of recognized merit, included in the classes or as a complement to the subject received.
  • Presentations made by yourself or your colleagues, thus analyzing your capacity for criticism and self-criticism.
  • Exclusive materials provided as supplements to class notes.
  • Meeting sessions with the tutor to evaluate the learning assimilated so far.
  • Assessment of subject areas based on defined competencies with activities specifically designed to assess those competencies.

Smart Learning

The new normal requires a new way of teaching and learning, adapted to a constantly changing situation that demands flexible learning, without having a single format and method, but multiple options that adapt to all the new educational needs of students in an intelligent and technological way.

La Salle Campus Barcelona, a pioneer institution in the incorporation of technologies in education, has implemented Smart Learning since September 2020, a new educational model and technological system that adapts to on-site, blended, distance and online training formats, in all its multiple versions and possible combinations, according to the needs of the program and the students.

With this new educational model of post-Covid training, we reinforce and consolidate our educational method "Learning by Challenge" that enhances our differentiating DNA based on: technology, innovation, entrepreneurship and internationalization to train people with values, people who contribute and that is one of the differentiating characteristics of the students at La Salle-URL. An educational model in which the student is at the center of the educational process and that responds to the new needs of our students and society and to the new needs of companies and institutions.