digital marketing, social media, la salle campus barcelona

Online Master of Science in Digital Marketing and Social Media Management

This programme is fully practical, and will help you become an expert specialist in the management of analytical, strategic and operational marketing, positioning you to lead the new digital society and economy.

Online Reputation and Social Metrics

Social Networks are rapidly gaining a relevant place in the marketing strategies of companies, becoming a central, strategic channel, not only of communication, but also of commercial research, public relations, customer service and brand positioning. The current data-driven vision of companies, and the consolidation of Martech, make the analytical vision and the definition of KPIs a strategic and essential axis for digital marketing professionals of the XXI century.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

The results of this subject are:

RA4: The student knows the main metrics in social networks and how to carry out the management of analytics.
RA5: The student learns to include employees in the marketing strategy.
RA8: The student knows how to manage online reputation and have a plan to act in crisis situations.


• Online reputation and action protocols.
• KPIs and metrics in social media.
• Data visualization.
• Trends in social networks.
• Success stories in social media.


On-campus Methodology

The teaching methodology used in the on-campus modality is divided into four steps for each of the sessions that make up the subjects of the program:
• Students must prepare at home the previous tasks of the session recommended by the teacher: reading an article, watching a video, solving a practical case or exercise, etc. In this way, the student prepares the topic of the session and acquires prior knowledge that will allow him to take better advantage of the session together with the teacher and the rest of the classmates.
• The teacher dedicates the first part of the session to working on the concepts related to the theme of the day, encouraging debate and discussion among the students, taking advantage of the fact that they have prepared the previous tasks and are based on prior knowledge.
• The teacher dedicates the second part of the session to the analysis, debate and resolution of the practical case or exercise proposed in the previous tasks. In this way, the concepts covered in the first part of the session are taken to a practical environment to strengthen the student's learning. It is essential that students work on the case or exercise at home to make the most of the contributions of the rest of their classmates during the second part of the session, as well as make valuable contributions to the group.
• It is recommended that students prepare at home the subsequent tasks of the session recommended by the teacher, which aim to finish consolidating the knowledge discussed and worked on in class.

Online Guided Methodology

The teaching methodology used in the online modality is based on a proprietary methodology developed by La Salle URL called SDBL (Self Directed Based Learning). SDBL is an active methodology based on situational learning and self-directed learning. With situational learning, the student is taught, through challenges, to address real problems and situations of the company with which he can consolidate the new knowledge acquired. With self-directed learning, the student decides how to advance in their training based on their previous experience.
Weekly, the LMS (Learning Management System) platform releases the content of a new topic. The operation of the week is as follows:

• Synchronous kick-off session:

o The teacher makes an overview of the contents and tasks that the student will find throughout the week. The objective of this meeting is to try to discover and reveal on a personal level which aspects of the week that are going to be discussed may be more difficult for the individual student.
o The professor solves possible doubts of the students about the subject of the previous week.

• Among synchronous connections:

o The students view session contents and develops the tasks entrusted to them about the topic of the week to consolidate knowledge and identify doubts.

• Synchronous session Check point:

o The professor solves any doubts that students may have about the contents of the current week.
o The professor presents additional content or practical cases, which are interesting for the students.
o The professor generates debate and discussion among the students about the content of the current week to help the students in their assimilation, therefore, improving their learning.
o The professor provides oral feedback about the deliverables registered by the students in the feedback well of the previous week, emphasizing the difficulties and errors found. This instance is for feedback only and not for qualification. The feedback is an instrument so that the students to validate with the mentor, in general terms, the resolution to the proposed tasks. In this way, the feedback wells are created thinking of giving the students an opportunity to feel the answers with the mentor. Based on the feedback provided by the mentor, the students will be able to finish developing the task and present it as a final deliverable, with the advantage of having had prior advice from the professor.

• Rest of the week. The objective is to finish the development of the tasks of the current week from the clarifications received in the synchronous check point session to pass the exercises, tasks and / or deliverables of the topic. It is worth mentioning that most of the time spent during this last part of the week should be spent on solving tasks and deliverables, rather than assimilating content (an aspect that should have been resolved between the kick-off and check point sessions).
The LMS platform gradually opens content (week by week) so that the whole group follows the same academic itinerary. In other words, the sequential opening of topics is done so that all students in the program are working on the same subjects simultaneously.

The synchronous sessions with the mentor are of optional assistance for the students, last approximately one hour, and are recorded and posted on the subject in the LMS.


Face-to-face modality

Highly significant evaluation activities:
• Final questionnaire [30%]
• Subject tasks [70%]

Online Modality

The evaluation of this subject consists of the following milestones and weightings:

Deliverable 1: Define the main metrics of a digital marketing plan 20%
Deliverable 2: Prepare a table of investment budget and overall ROI. 20%
Deliverable 3: Propose 3 Big Data actions to improve marketing actions 20%
Final deliverable of subject and interview 40%

Evaluation Criteria

Face-to-face modality

• Final questionnaire: Test answers.
• Subject work. The TFM tutors responsible for evaluating the weekly deliveries will be based on:

o The quality of the content of the works according to the requirements defined in each deliverable.
o The adjustment to the objectives of the current subject.
o Consistency with the strategy marked in the TFM for the case.
o The adjustment to the reality of the chosen case/company.
o The format of the document, the written quality and style of the deliverable.
o Compliance with the terms of delivery. If they are delivered out of time they will be rated as "not delivered" and the rating will be "0".

Online Modality

The student is able to:
• Develop an appropriate dashboard
• Identify business needs and their correspondence with metrics
• Identify macro objectives and microojectives of project

The student is able to:
• Identify the main monitoring tools
• Choose an appropriate tool for the challenge proposed in the subject

The student is able to:
• Understand the basic application points of Big Data in the challenge posed.
• Identify Big Data solutions that provide improvements.

Basic Bibliography

• Fernando de la Rosa. DATA: Cómo los datos te ayudarán en tu vida y en tu empresa, y transformarán la sociedad. Ed Hub
• Pere Rovira Samblancat , Víctor Pascual Cid. Analítica Visual. Como explorar, analizar y comunicar datos. Ed ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Iñaki Gorostiza Esquerdeiro, Asier Barainca Fontao. Data Analytics. Mide y Vencerás. Ed ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Gemma Muñoz Vera, Eduardo Sánchez Rojo. Big Data como activo de negocio. Ed ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Gemma Muñoz Vera, Eduardo Sánchez Rojo. Negocios online. Data driven marketing de Pablo Moratinos Almandoz. Ed ANAYA MULTIMEDIA
• Lovett, John (2012). Social media: Métricas y análisis. Ed. Anaya Multimedia.
• Elósegui, Tristán; Muñoz, Gemma (2011). El arte de medir. Profit.
• De Andrés, Patricia (2018). Marketing para dummies. Planeta.
• Aced, Cristina; Sanagustín, Eva (2012). Facebook para dummies. Planeta.
• Rojas, Pedro (2013). Cómo preparar un plan de social media marketing. Gestión 2000.
• Santambrosio, Mau; de Andrés, Patricia (2014). Tu plan de marketing digital en una semana. Gestión 2000. Grupo Planeta (Marketing y Ventas).
• Kaplan, R.; Norton, D. (2000). Cuadro de mando integral. Eada Gestió.
• Kaplan, R.; Norton, D. (2001). Cómo utilizar el CMI. Gestión 2000.
• Mora, A.; Vivas, C. (2001). Nuevas herramientas de gestión pública: el cuadro de mando integral. AECA Monografías.
• Joyanes, Luis (2013). Big data: analisis de grandes volumenes de datos en organizaciones. Ed. Marcombo.
• López, Anna María (2011). Coolhunting Digital. A la caza de las últimas tendencias. Anaya Multimedia.
• Marqués, María (2015) Big data. Técnicas, herramientas y aplicaciones. Ed. RC Libros.
• Requena, Gema (2007) Una coolhunter en Nueva York: Una guía de estilo para renovar tu vida (Colección Muy Personal). Ed. Océano Ambar.
• Roca, Genís y Solana, Albert. (2015) Big data para directivos. Ed. Gestión del conocimiento.
• Doerr, John (2009), Mide lo que importa: Cómo Google, Bono y la Fundación Gates cambian el mundo con OKR. Conecta.

Additional Material

In each session, and as part of the program, complementary multimedia content will be identified and suggested that will be updated by the teachers as necessary.

List of Professors
Patricia De Andres Olcina