Master of Science in Project Management (weekend)

Train at the #1 university in Spain for Business according to QS Stars and accredited by PMI with GAC certification.

Change Management

The constant changes to which the current market is exposed increases the need for professionals highly versed in change management (*Change Management) who can ensure organizations maintain their competitiveness, their efficiency and accompany them throughout the innovation processes. allowing to maintain a constant state of evolution. It is imperative to provide project managers with the skills and tools that allow them to manage change in organizations by leading the human side of change and achieving the desired results. The subject of *Change Management, provides from a transversal approach benefits in the face of business optimization focusing on talent retention and increased productivity, which is summarized in positive results at work, organization and planning levels.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

1. Development of critical ability towards different kinds of processes.
2. Foreseeing situations that may have an impact in a project.
3. Assessing project results.
4. Applying a humanist view to typical Project Management problems.
5. Becoming familiar with conflict resolution management trends.


1. Organizational Change Management.
2. The change and innovation.
3. Organizational crisis management.
4. Change Management Analysis.
5. How the market is changing through Project Management.
6. Sustainability in change management.
7. Neuroscience.
8. Change towards innovation.


The teaching methodology used in the eye mode is divided into four steps for each of the sessions that make up the programme subjects:
. Students must prepare at home the previous session tasks recommended by the teacher: read an article, display a video, resolve a practical case or exercise, etc. In this way, the student prepares the subject of the session and acquires a prior knowledge that will allow him to make better use of the session alongside the teacher and other colleagues.
' The teacher dedicates the first part of the session to working on the concepts related to the day's themes, encouraging debate and discussion among students by taking advantage of their preparation of previous tasks and starting from prior knowledge
. The professor devotes the second part of the session to the analysis, debate and resolution of the practical or exercise proposed in previous tasks. In this way, the concepts discussed in the first part of the session are taken to a practical environment for strengthening the learning of the pupil. It is essential that pupils work the case or exercise at home in order to make full use of the contributions of other colleagues during the second part of the session, as well as making valuable contributions to the group.
. It is recommended that students prepare at home the subsequent tasks of the session recommended by the teacher, whose purpose is to finish establishing the knowledge treated and working in class.

The teaching methodology used in online mode is based on a methodology developed by La Salle URL called SDBL (Self Directed Based Learning). SDBL is an active methodology based on locational learning and self-directed learning. Situational learning is taught to the student, through the challenges, to address real business problems and situations with which they can consolidate the new knowledge acquired. With self-directed learning, the student decides how to advance their training from their previous experience.
Weekly, the LMS platform releases the content of a new theme. The week's operation is as follows:
Synchronous kick-off session :
or Synchronous sessions with the mentor are optional support for learners, lasting about an hour, and are recorded and uploaded from the subject in the LMS
or The teacher resolves possible student doubts about the topic of the previous week.
: Between synchronous connections:
or The student views the contents of the sessions and develops the tasks entrusted to him on the topic of the week to consolidate knowledge and identify synchronous connections.
de Synchronous check point session:
or The teacher resolves the questions that students may have about the contents of the current week.
Either the teacher presents additional content or practical cases, which are interesting to learners.
Or the teacher generates debate and discussion among students about the content of the current week with the aim of helping students assimilate, thus improving their learning.
Or the teacher provides oral feedback about the deliverables recorded by the learners in the feedback pit the week before, emphasising the difficulties and errors encountered. This instance is only feedback and not grade. Feedback wells are an instrument for learners to validate with the mentor, in broad outlines, the resolution to the tasks raised. In this way, feedback pits are created by thinking of giving students a chance to test responses with the mentor. From the feedback provided by the mentor, the student will be able to finish the task and present it as a final deliverable, with the advantage of having prior counseling from the teacher.
. Weekend. The aim is to complete the ongoing week's work from the clarifications received at the synchronous check point session to overcome the exercises, tasks and/or deliverables of the topic. It should be mentioned that most of the time spent during the latter part of the week should be used to solve tasks and deliverables, rather than to assimilate content (which should have been resolved between kick-off and check point sessions).
The LMS platform does the gradual opening of content (week to week) for the whole group to follow the same academic pathway. In other words, the sequential opening of topics is done so that all the students in the program are working on the same subjects simultaneously.


The evaluation of the asignature will be based on the individual performance of the alumno and the note obtained in the final objective prueba.

Evaluation Criteria

On-campus modality:
• Exam of concepts learned and practiced in class: 50%
• Practical activity in class: 50%

Online modality:
• Deliverable case study 1: 30%
• Deliverable case study 2: 30%
• Deliverable case study 3: 30%
• Assessment activity – Multi choice test: 40%

Basic Bibliography

• Robbins, Stephen P.; Judge, Timothy A. (2015). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. (Global Edition). Pearson Education
• Scott, Cynthia D.; Jaffe, Dennis T. (1995). Cómo dirigir el cambio en las organizaciones. Grupo Editorial Iberoamérica
• Guízar, Rafael (2013). Desarrollo Organizacional. McGraw Hill
• Kotter, John P. (1995) “Leading Change. Why Transformation Efforts Fail”. Harvard Business Review.

Additional Material

• Gregory Ballestrero (2013), Nathalie Udo, Organizational survival, ed. Mc Graw Hill
• James Haggerty (2019), Chief Crisis Officer, ed. AMER BAR ASSN
• Nancy Cohen (2017), Forged in crisis, ed. Scribner
• “Artificial Intelligence. A Modern Approach”. 3ª edición. Stuart Russell y Peter Norvig. Editorial Pearson. 2016.

List of Professors
Jordi Dalmau Royo