PhD in Information Technologies and their Aplication in Management, Architecture and Geophisics La Salle Campus Barcelona URL

PHD Program in Information Technologies and their Application in Management, Architecture and Geophysics

Techniques of Gamification

This course focuses on the latest contributions in the research of Virtual Reality. Discusses various disciplines in which it is particularly useful (Medicine, Artificial Life, Augmented Reality, Collaborative Virtual Environments ...) as well as in the technologies involved (audio, stereoscopy, networks, haptics...) by presenting satisfactory specific examples (natural interaction, 3D chats, virtual communities, among many others).
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

Basic knowledge of graphics, animation and modeling within Virtual Reality frameworks.


The main objective of this subject is to achieve a high level of multidisciplinary expertise in the field of Virtual Reality, from the standpoint of managing all the disciplines it covers. It is also fundamental to know which are the most important peripherals in the area, its functions, cost and distribution channels, as well as the necessary steps to produce a project of this size, taking into account the entire Multimedia lifecycle, of which Virtual Reality is one of its greatest exponents.

On the other hand, other targets such as below:

1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
2. Ability to organize and plan.
3. General knowledge on the area of study.
4. Skills for information management (search and analysis from various sources).
5. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
6. Ability to communicate with non-experts in the field.
7. Ability to work in an international context.
8. Research skills.
9. Ability to adapt to new situations.
10. Design and project management.


Virtual Reality in general and Videogames in particular, as magnificent Multimedia Case Studies.
Virtual Reality within Simulation and Physics.
Technologies and tools involved in a 3D environment.
Applications and case studies:
- Medicine.
- Collaborative Environments.
- Augmented reality.
- Simulation.
- Artificial Life.
- Others.
Virtual Reality as a research topic.


The course is taught in the formats of distance learning and blended learning. During the classes, the professor will refer to some specific research materials necessary for the proper knowledge of the discipline. Other methodologies are:

1. Lectures:

Several theoretical concepts are presented while motivating students to intervene by asking ans answering questions and also replying the formulations that the professor made the professor. This will ensure a dynamic and participatory class.

2. Work in group:

Proposed along the whole course and based on different topics. Different types might coexist (practical implementation, state of the art in research, writing articles and papers, proposed innovation schemes, etc.).

3. Forums:

Available within the university virtual campus to encourage the concern of the students, motivate their thinking and produce active participation besides solving doubts and questions.


A. Work in group

Suitable for the correct learning of this discipline.

B. Exhibitions

At certain times during the academic year, students and their respective groups, will have to present conclusions and respond to oral questions from the teacher and the rest of fellows in the course.

C. Lab Reports

Produced by using several university facilities such as the new motion capture lab, La Salle´s Media Lab.

D. Participation in class

Regarding the questions made by the professor.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
Evaluated with ABCD.

Objective 2. Ability to organize and plan.
Evaluated with AB.

Objective 3. General knowledge on the area of study.
Evaluated with ABCD.

Goal 4. Skills regarding the management of information (search and analysis from various sources).
Evaluated with A.

Goal 5. Ability to work in an interdisciplinary team.
Evaluated with ABC.

Goal 6. Ability to communicate with non-experts in the field.
Evaluated with A.

Goal 7. Ability to work in an international context.
Evaluated with AC.

Goal 8. Research skills.
Evaluated with ABC.

Goal 9. Ability to adapt to new situations.
Evaluated with AB.

Goal 10. Design and project management.
Evaluated with ABC.

Basic Bibliography

John Vince. VR Systems. ACM Press, 1995.
Roy Kalawsky. The Science of VR and VE´s. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., 1993.
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann. Artificial Life & VR. Wiley, 1994.
John David Funge. AI for games and animation: a cognitive modeling approach. A. K. Peters, Ltd. 1999
David M. Bourg. Physics for game developers. O´Reilly, 2001.
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann. Interactive Computer animation. Prentice Hall, 1996.