Research Lines Acoustics and Audio ALEC (Architectural Logics for Emergent Contexts) Animation and Digital Arts Architecture Representation Comp. Computer Vision Interaction Mediterranean Architecture Speech Processing Technology Enhanced Learning Contact Oriol Guasch Fortuny +34 932902476 C. Quatre Camins 30, 08022, Barcelona Projects Acciona y Conecta CreaSTEAM SPADATAS DIVINTECH See all projects Publications Glottal Source Contribution to Higher Order Modes in the Finite Element Synthesis of Vowels GlottDNN-based spectral tilt analysis of tense voice emotional styles for the expressive 3D numerical synthesis of vowel [a] Finite element synthesis of diphthongs using tuned two-dimensional vocal tracts Estructuració de dades per al modelatge ontològic de sistemes energètics urbans: L'experiència del projecte SEMANCO See all publications