Oriol Guasch Fortuny
Dr. Oriol Guasch is Full Professor at the Department of Engineering, La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull (URL) in Barcelona, where he heads the research on acoustics within the GTM group. He holds a five-year degree in Physics from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and a PhD in Computational Mechanics and Applied Mathematics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). His current research lines involve computational acoustics and aeroacoustics, graph theory applied to mid and high frequency vibroacoustics modelling with application to complex structures, theoretical and experimental transmission path analysis, parametric array technology to generate audible sound from ultrasonic collimated beams, and acoustic black holes in mechanics. Dr. Guasch has authored or coauthored a significant number of papers in first rank international scientific journals and conferences as well as two patents. He has organized and chaired many sessions at international congresses and was the general chair of the NOVEM 2018 congress. He currently serves as Subject Editor for the Journal of Sound and Vibration. Dr. Guasch has led and participated in many international and national research projects.
Updated publications: http://users.salleurl.edu/~oriol.guasch/publications.htm
In this project, we aim at the computational generation of expressive voice by following a hybrid approach. We will skip the inherent lim...