Incoming profile
The recommended admission profile to study the PhD in Philosophy: Humanism and Transcendence is that of a person interested in research and the acquisition of advanced and in-depth knowledge on issues and problems that fall within the fields of knowledge of the human condition and transcendence.
Not only do the advances in the natural and human sciences place both the human and the divine in new perspectives, but so do the historical processes of the last century, the fanatical drifts of fundamentalism, the evolution of art and the proliferation of new philosophical proposals that somehow break with Western traditions.
This program is based on the idea that the mediation of philosophy and knowledge of its history must be present at the very center of this crisis of culture that we have begun to go through. Defend the singularity of what is human and delve into the plural approach of its relations with the transcendence of today. And above all this, there is a perceived need for information, enlightenment, and meditation that philosophy can help enrich.
This doctorate, therefore, is aimed at people who want to develop the necessary research skills to carry out projects with autonomy and quality and which extends motivated by the transfer of knowledge acquired in society in general, to their field of professional activity in and to the development of studies and research in their area of interest.
General access requirements in the doctoral programs in Philosophy: Humanism and transcendence
According to RD 99/2011, to be admitted to a doctoral program, the candidate must meet one of the following requirements:
1) Being in possession of an official Spanish university degree, or from another country that is part of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies for access to a master's degree and have passed a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in all official university studies, of which, at least 60, will have to be master’s level.
2) Being in possession of an official Spanish graduate degree, of at least 300 ECTS credits.
3) Being in possession of an official university degree that has obtained the correspondence in level 3 of the Spanish mark of qualifications for Higher Education, according to the procedure established in Royal Decree 967/2014, of November 21 , which establishes the requirements and the procedure for the homologation and declaration of equivalence to a degree and at the official university academic level and for the validation of foreign studies of higher education, and the procedure to determine the correspondence to levels of the “Marc Espanyol de Qualificacions per a l'Educació Superior dels títols oficials d'Arquitecte, Enginyer, Llicenciat, Arquitecte Tècnic, Enginyer Tècnic i Diplomat”.
4) The university degrees that, prior to obtaining a training course in the corresponding proof of access a specialized health training places, have passed positive evaluation after two years of training in a program to obtain the official title of 'some of the specialties in Health Sciences.
5) Being in possession of a title obtained in accordance with foreign educational systems, after verification by the General Commission of Doctorate that this accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish title of master's degree and that it authorizes the issuing country of the title per access to doctoral studies.
6) Being in possession of another Spanish title of Doctor obtained in accordance with university ordinances prior to Royal Decree 99/2011.
7) The doctorands who have started their doctoral program according to the university ordinances prior to Royal Decree 99/2011.
8) The bachelors, architects or engineers who are in possession of the Diploma d'Estudis Avançats according to the one provided by the Royal Decree 778/1998, of April 30, or have obtained the research sufficiency regulated in the Royal Decree 185/1985, of generation 23.
Specific requirements for admission to this doctoral program
a) Accredit a level of knowledge B1 according to the European Mark of reference, which allows, as a basic requirement, the handling of sources in English, French and / or German.
b) If all the knowledge is foreseen, applicants who have completed a previous official degree in Philosophy (Bachelor's degree, undergraduate degree, master's degree, or foreign degrees with similar characteristics) and who can accredit training in research in Philosophy and/or Humanities may direct access to the doctoral program. Candidates who meet the general admission requirements do not have prior training in Philosophy and/or research in Philosophy or Humanities which are admitted to the program to take the necessary training supplements. In the admission process, after the personal study of the academic record of the studies that have been carried out before the candidate, these training complements will be specified.
c) These studies can be accessed by different days depending on the itinerary prior to the candidate's training.
Criteria admission
Selection to the doctoral program will be carried out by the academic committee. To make the selection, the Academic Committee will use the following criteria:
- Assessment of the fulfillment of the legal requirements for access to the doctorate.
- Evaluation of the academic curriculum.
- Valuation of the formation in Philosophy of the previous official studies.
- Assessment of previous training in research in Philosophy or Humanities.
- Assessment of the seva training in English, French and / or German.
- Availability of time for the completion of the studies.
- Adequacy of the candidate to the profile of studies.
Once it is verified that the candidate meets the legal requirement for access to the doctorate and the required training in English, French and/or German, the rest of the admission criteria will be weighted as follows: 40% Training in Philosophy, 40% academic record and 20% adaptation to the profile. The Academic Committee will assess whether the admitted student needs to take Training Complements and will specify what they are.
Admission with Training Supplements
After the personalized study of the academic record of the studies that the candidate has previously completed, the training complements will be specified to acquire (1) philosophical training and / or (2) research training in Philosophy or Humanities.
In the case of the students of the Ramon Llull University, they will consist of:
• Without philosophical training:
* Seminars (thematic cores): Conceptions of the human person; Religion and culture. Concrete deployment:
Person, religion, and culture in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy
Person, religion, and culture in Modern Philosophy
Person, religion, and culture in Contemporary Philosophy
• Without research training:
Tutored research work.
These training complements will be taken in the first year of the program. The time used will not be considered for the purposes of the maximum time to complete the doctoral thesis.
Schedules: The training complements will be given in the mornings on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.
Admission application deadline:
Course 2023-2024: May-December 2023
Admission process and criteria
Fill out the application form.
Attach / send the requested documentation to the General Secretariat.
Once the complete documentation is received, the candidate will be summoned to a personal interview with the program coordinator.
The Academic Committee of the program must assess the applications according to the following criteria:
- 40% Training in Philosophy
- 40% academic record
- 20% Adaptation to the profile
Once the admission has been received, the candidate has 30 calendar days to make the enrollment effective.
Attention to students with special needs
Care program for students with disabilities
Start of classes
Doctoral Weeks at La Salle (15 January - 19 January 2024; 1-5 July 2024)
Program Timing
The Doctoral Program in Philosophy: Humanism and Transcendence is designed according to RD 99/2011 of January 28, which regulates the structure of official doctoral studies.
The student can take this training full-time (3 years) or part-time (5 years).
Admission to the doctoral program may include the requirement of specific training supplements. In this case, the time necessary to carry it out will not count towards the established limit.
A student with full-time dedication will be considered one who can dedicate 8 hours of daily work to carry out the face-to-face training activities and autonomous work that have been established in their Doctoral Activities Document.
A student with part-time dedication will be one who can dedicate more than 4 hours and less than 8 hours of work daily to carry out face-to-face training activities and autonomous work that have been established in their Doctoral Activities Document. The condition of student with part-time dedication must be authorized by the Academic Commission of the program.