Course in Pharma and Biotech Project Management La Salle Campus Barcelona URL

Course in Pharma and Biotech Project Management

Learn to plan, manage and direct R &D & i projects in the Chemical-Pharmaceutical and Biotechnological field

Nid: 20507

Before the start of each class, the student must review the academic material recommended by the teacher, as well as solve the practical case and / or assigned exercises. Classes will be distributed as follows:

  • During the first two hours, the teacher will teach a conceptual session.
  • During the remaining hour, the session will be oriented to the analysis, debate and resolution of the practical case / exercises, which the students will have previously prepared.

The training activities carried out are the following:

  • Explanations by the teacher.
  • Group discussions.
  • (occasional) teamwork.

The evaluation of the course will be based on the individual performance of the student and the grade obtained by teamwork.