Course on Management and Governance of Artificial Intelligence

You will have the opportunity to implement an AI project in a real business scenario.

Nid: 25429

1. AI Strategy and Management (8 hours)

  • a.AI Strategies in Business (2 hours)
  • b.AI Value Chain and AI Project Management (2 hours)
  • c.Practical workshop on use case in strategy and leadership with AI. (4 hours)

2. Implications of AI (12 hours)

  • a.AI and Digital Transformation (4 hours)
  • b.AI Risks and Security (1 hours)
  • c.AI Ethics and Bias in AI Algorithms (2 hours)
  • d.AI Regulation and Policy (2 hours)
  • e.Workshop on ethics: Case study of ethical valuation of AI models. (3 hours)

3. Case Studies (6 hours)

  • a.Case studies in AI management and governance (example: implementing an AI strategy in an organization, managing AI risks) (2 hours)
  • b.Use cases of data analytics and decision making tools supported by AI models (2 hours)
  • c.Masterclass: AI and ethics in business (2 hours)

4. AI Project (12 hours)

  • a.Approach to the execution of an AI project. Own development vs outsourcing (3 hours)
  • b.Implementation of an AI project in a business scenario (7 hours)
  • c.Case studies in the practical application of AI (example: development of a chatbot for customer service, creation of a machine learning model to predict customer churn) (2 hours)

5. Masterclass (8 hours)

  • a.Masterclass: Case study in the energy sector (2 hours)
  • b.Masterclass: AI and Corporate Social Responsibility (2 hours)
  • c.Masterclass: AI and sustainability. (2 hours)
  • d.Masterclass: AI and the Future of Work (2 hours)

6. Final project presentations and discussion (3 hours)

7.Exam and closure of the program (1 hour)