Degree in Architecture Studies

In La Salle you will be trained to become a responsable architect. Likewise, you will acquire the capacity to respond to the needs of society using the most advanced knowledge and technologies

HISTORY 1. Introduction to Architecture

1.1. Code: YY009 1.2. Type of subject: Compulsory 1.3. Delivery: Annual
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge



The objective of this subject is to know the architecture of all times, to continue thinking about history, not to forget it. Learn how to ask questions at historical sites, to solve current problems.

The most important thing for us is to force them to observe, arouse their curiosity, and enjoy architecture. Also be active, intelligent, thoughtful, autonomous.

We will learn about ancient and modern architecture. There are no cuts in history, which separate or divide periods or places.

Finally, history cannot be learned only with the resources offered by the classroom. You have to experience, live, touch, discover. We must be able to offer the city of Barcelona, ​​​​with all its richness and architectural diversity, as a classroom, also in history subjects.

We are going to present the story with a Mediterranean vision. The Mediterranean as a space of relationship and source of culture, origin and reference of modernity.

Contemplating history from a contemporary point of view implies doing it with a criterion of sustainability, the search for balance with nature, and attention to the most heartbreaking social problems of the moment.


11 thematic blocks, coinciding with the school weeks.

1. Time and Context(I).
-Scale and proportion
2. Time and Context(II).
-The Roman Wall overlays.
-Barcelona (first period)
-The historic city.
3. Architecture and City(I).
-Urban palimpsest.
-Readings about the city.
4. Architecture and City(II).
-Medieval city

-Walls and urban evolution
5. City and Territory(I)
-About the technique.
-Consolidation of the territory.
6. City and Territory(II)
-From the Eixample to the contemporary city.
7. Landscape(I)
-The representation of paradise.
8. Landscape(II)
-Urban Parks.
-Nature “democratized”.
-The English garden.
-Urban park.
9. The Precinct(I)
-The temple: Typology and building.
-The funerary temple.
-The gothic cathedral.
-Parthenon of Pericles and Pantheon of Agrippa.
10. The Precinct(II)
-The monastery.
-Introduction to typology
-Example: Pedralbes Monastery.
11. Home(I)
-The domestic universe
-Introduction and evolution of typology
-Eixample dwellings and introduction to the work of Antoni Gaudí


Methodological approach to teaching/learning to achieve the objectives:

Dedication to the subject 6 ECTS credits at 26 credits/hour=78 hours
Annual dedication 28 weeks (24 classes + 2 exams)
Weekly dedication 3 hours/teaching week
Concept Total hours
72 teaching hours
Theory…………………………………….………………………. 48
31 hours of student work (individual and group)
Guardianship …………………………………………………………. 9
Not supervised ………………………………………………………. 22
Hours of exam preparation………………………………………..8
Examination hours………………………………………………. two
Formation activities:
- Joint analysis of concepts in seminars. 35%
- Joint analysis (teacher and student) in case studies. twenty%
- Comprehension, sharing, debate and comments on the students' work. 10%
- Works to be developed in person or in a virtual space, sharing the resolution of the proposals on the network. 35%


7. Evaluation of the level of achievement of the objectives

The subject is evaluated through three activities, with the support of the material deposited in eStudy and the complementary bibliography:
The evaluation will be continuous, counting attendance and active participation in class.
The evaluation will be continuous and attendance and participation in class will be evaluated.
Attendance is mandatory (80%).
Practice: will follow established content and format guidelines.
C. EXAMS 40%
Exams: intermediate, final and recovery control.
Format to decide
AulaBCN exercises, carried out with the other subjects.
All three parts A, B and C must be passed in order to pass the course.

Students suspended in the ordinary call have another opportunity to pass the subject in the extraordinary call exam. This recovery is a global exam of the entire subject (without taking into account the mark of any previous evaluation activity).

The results evaluation criteria have been based on 3 objectives:

Objective 1:
- The student must demonstrate the ability to know the most relevant facts, texts and works of architecture from the first half of the 20th century. (a)
Objective 2:
- The student must demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. (b)
Objective 3:
The student must understand all contemporary aspects related to the exercise of their profession as well as the need to maintain ongoing training. (c)

Acquired competencies evaluation systems SYSTEMS % ACQUIRED COMPETENCES
Homework 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A GROUP B
Reports/work done in group 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A GROUP B
Projects 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A GROUP B
Participation in class 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A GROUP B
In accordance with article 5 of Royal Decree 1125/2003, of September 5, the results obtained by the student in each of the subjects of the Study Plan will be graded according to the following numerical scale from 0 to 10, with expression of a decimal, to which its corresponding quantitative qualification may be added:
0-4.9: Suspended (SS) | 5.0-6.9: pass (AP) | 7.0-8.9: notable (NT) | 9.0-10: Excellent (SB)

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

DE SOLA MORALES, Manuel. Deu lliçons sobre Barcelona. COAC, 2008. (Catalan, Spanish and English edition).

HERNANDEZ CROS, J.E. MORA, G. POUPLANA, X. Arquitectura de Barcelona. COAC. Barcelona, 1990. (Catalan, Spanish and English edition).

BUSQUETS, Joan. La Ciutat Vella de Barcelona. Un passat amb futur. Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2003.
(Catalan, Spanish and English edition).

BUSQUETS, Joan. Barcelona: the urban evolution of a compact city. Actar. Barcelona, 2006.

La Carta Històrica de Barcelona

ACKERMAN, James. Palladio. Xarait, Madrid, 1981. (Spanish and English edition).

RYBCZYNSKI, Witold. The Perfect House. A Journey with the Renaissance Master Andrea Palladio. New York: Scribner, 2002.

NEUMANN, Stan (director). ARCHITECTURES. Andrea Palladio seen by Ricardo Bofill.

SUMMERSON, John. El lenguaje clásico de la arquitectura. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1963 (Spanish and English edition).

MARTA, Roberto. Architettura Romana. Tecniche costruttive e forme architettoniche del mondo romano. Kappa. Roma, 1985.

TORRES, Elias. Luz cenital. COAC, 2005 (Spanish and English edition).

CHOISY, August. Historia de la arquitectura. Victor Lerú. Buenos Aires, 1978 (Spanish and English edition).

MARTIENSSEN, R.D. la idea del espacio en la arquitectura griega. Nueva Visión. Buenos aires, 1972 (Spanish and English edition).

SITTE, Camilo. Construcción de ciudades según principios artísticos, Viena, 1889.

BENEVOLO, Leonardo, Historia de la arquitectura del Renacimiento. Taurus, Madrid, 1973.

BLASER, Werner. Patios. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona, 2004. (Spanish and English edition).

Unitat 7+8
BALDON, Cleo. Steps & Stairways. Rizzoli, New York, 1989.

TUSQUETS, Oscar. Réquiem por una escalera. RqueR. Barcelona 2004 (Catalan, Spanish and English edition).

FARIELLO, Francesco. La arquitectura de los jardines. Reverté, Barcelona, 2004.

RUDOFSKY, Bernard. Arquitectura sin arquitectos. Ed. Universitaria, Buenos Aires, 1973 (English edition).

FLORES, Carlos. Arquitectura popular, Aguilar. Madrid, 1973.

GOLDFINGER, Myron. Arquitectura popular mediterránea, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1993 (English edition).

OLIVER, Paul (ed). Encyclopedia of Vernacular Architecture of the World, Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Additional Material