The activities of La Salle R&D pursue a realistic and practical approach, attentive to the evolution and context of technologies, and in close contact with the industry and the current society’s needs.

Professional and quality service

From The Idea To The Solution

With a decided practical orientation and a high capacity of integration in the business processes of each customer, in La Salle R & D we offer support in the following areas:

  • Internet Technologies and Storage
  • Media Technologies (acoustics and interaction)
  • Robotics and Communications
  • Data analysis
  • Integrated Architectural Research
  • Entrepreneurship and Technology-based Innovation
  • Technology Enhanced Learning

We put our capabilities and resources at your disposal from the preliminary phases of project - design, evaluation and simulation - to the latest stages of implementation and creation of prototypes.

La Salle R & D is a recognised centre with the TECNIO certification. A certification created by the Government of Catalonia, through the Agency for the competitiveness of the company (ACCIÓ), which identifies providers and facilitators of differential and applied technology. The certification:

  • Supports the most qualified agents involved in technology transfer processes.
  • Allows companies to access advanced R&D services and the development of new products and services.
  • Increases the project technology’s scope by finding the the right technological partners and suppliers.
  • Helps increasing the competitiveness and technological innovation capacity of companies.

Technology transfer activities are supported by the Departament d'Empresa i Coneixement of Generalitat de Catalunya under the grant Enfortiment de la unitat distribuïda de transferència La Salle-URL 2017-2020 (Code: 001-P-001062).

La Salle RD has the TECNIO seal valid in the current period until 31/12/2023

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