Degree in Architecture Studies

In La Salle you will be trained to become a responsable architect. Likewise, you will acquire the capacity to respond to the needs of society using the most advanced knowledge and technologies

DRAWING. Graphic Expression: Drawing

1.1. Code: YY004 1.2. Subject type: Basic degree 1.3. Teaching: Annual. 1.4. ECTS credits: 6 1.5. Responsible teacher: Sandra Moliner Nuño 1.6. Language: Catalan - Spanish - English
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Knowledge of basic concepts of drawing and other systems of representation.


RA.01 Imagine, translate languages, composition, logic and graphic tools. Draw action. Abstraction.

RA.02 Knowledge of perspective. Work time in architecture through changing spaces. Distorting is space to accommodate it in your interests. Act on the idea of drawing and thinking in motion, as in projecting. Work on the representation of the built space (volumes).

RA.03 Knowledge of the fine arts as a factor that can influence the quality of architectural design.

RA.04 Practice of perspective and mastery of drawing. Expressiveness. Color. let go, learn from your own mistakes and limitations, see space and architecture in action, find your personal graphic language. Work on the representation of living space (atmospheres)

RA.05 Be able to imagine and feel space from a 2D drawing, move it to 3D, and create an ecosystem that is not only volumetric but also sound. Abstraction with strokes and impulses (drawing action) and sound.

RA.06 Reflect on new forms of domesticity and the dimension of photography and performance as means of expression.

RA.07 Architectural communication. Architectural language. Dihedral. 2D. The floor.

RA.08 Architectural communication. Architectural language. Dihedral. 2D. The section. Materials. Construction.

RA.09 Project communication in architecture. Diagrams. Abstraction. Communication. Architectural language for the action of projecting


The course is divided into 3 learning blocks distributed as follows:

BLOCK 1. INSTRUMENTAL DRAWING. In this blog, specific sessions of basic concepts on architectural drawing will be held. 5 learning groups led by each of the teachers will be formed, separated by language, one of them will be the international group where the subject will be taught in English.

In this first block, work teams of 3 students will be formed for those exercises that must be developed in groups, so that each of the teams will have to solve the exercises set out. There will be individual and other team and large format exercises. In these initial stages of learning, team work, in which the students have to talk to each other and make decisions, is of great importance for acquiring knowledge and is a good dynamic that favors achieving the objectives of the course .

They pay for outings to draw in the street, using different places in Barcelona as a learning laboratory. The teachers may vary the routes and visits depending on the weather and the capacity allowed at that time.

Within this block, exercises are proposed to be developed together with other subjects of the Degree.

Inside Block 1 you will have the first experience of AULA BARCELONA – LA SALLE


BLOCK 2. DRAWING OF THE ENVIRONMENT/PLACE. We will continue with the groups created in the previous blog. We will continue learning the basic concepts of the subject and the concept of representing the place where architecture is located will be introduced and tools will be given to represent it.

In this second block, once the basics of drawing have been achieved, representational techniques will be introduced that will allow the drawings to gain expressiveness and intention. We will talk about the stroke, the intention of the line, lights and shadows, as well as textures. These techniques must be part of the drawings that the student generates from now until the end of the year, as an evolution of the initial drawing in which fit and proportions were mainly valued.

The introduction of the color technique will be subject to the evolution of the team, taking into account whether all the series of previous concepts have been achieved. If the group is late, the possibility of not introducing this part of the course will be considered in favor of the rest.

On the other hand, outings to draw in the street take different places in Barcelona as a learning laboratory. The teachers may vary the routes and visits depending on the weather and the capacity allowed at that time.

The outings to draw in the street are very important and therefore students who arrive late will not be expected. The class will start on time in the place indicated by the teacher and will leave enough time to return to school to be ready for the next class. The drawings will be collected daily at the end of the sessions.

Within this block, exercises are proposed to be developed together with other subjects of the Degree.

Inside Block 2, you will have the second INTERNATIONAL CLASSROOM experience – THE ROOM

BLOCK 3. ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING. In this block, above all, the use of the concepts learned so far will be enhanced with the drawing of architectural elements such as the representation of an architecture model that will be given to the student from which he will have to develop a series of analysis and representation drawings that help to understand it.

During Block 3, trips to draw in the street will continue following the same instructions as in the previous blocks.

Within this block, exercises are proposed to be developed together with other subjects of the Degree.



The subject has a weekly operation of a 4-hour class session. The sessions are designed as workshop classes where the student will develop the proposed activity.

Each time a new topic is introduced (dihedral, perspective, fit, etc...) a master class will be held where the teacher will explain the basic concepts that the student will have to put into practice next. During the workshop sessions the student will be able to interact with the teacher to resolve doubts. At the end of each session, there will be a collective exhibition of the work done.

It is important to bear in mind that within the framework of the subject, transversal workshops are held with other subjects and/or Degrees, as well as AULA BARCELONA – LA SALLE, transversal workshop for first-year subjects within the Degree Architecture.
At the end of each block, the corresponding block will be delivered, following the instructions of the teachers of each group who will indicate to their students how the works will be presented. Delivery of the block is mandatory and must be done on time. Overtime work will not be accepted. Failure to submit this will result in a Not Presented (NP) in the student's final grade. The student must justify, by means of a document (medical certificate, etc...) any reason that entails the non-presentation of a work within the stipulated time. It will be your reference teacher who will tell you how to handle the delivery of work outside of time.

There will be a drawing exam at the end of the first and second semesters, as well as at the extraordinary call in July.

The course starts on the first day of class and ends on the last day of class. The student must attend class as the only way to pass the subject. This is a workshop class where your assistance is the only way that will allow it to evolve normally. Most of the deliveries, if the teacher does not indicate otherwise, are made on the same day of the class, at the end of the session. Only those students who have a justified reason will be allowed to follow the class online, not as a second alternative to the face-to-face class. The online monitoring must be duly justified and communicated to the School, who will communicate it internally to the teachers.


The evaluation is continuous throughout the course, through the overall rating of all the exercises presented, in which the different aspects stated in the topics covered will be assessed.

The subject starts with basic concepts and grows in complexity. The student's progress is very important, which is why serious involvement is required, which entails attendance (and punctuality) in class and an effort in the execution of the exercises. Obviously, those who do not come to class do not develop.

The final grade of the subject will be the average of the two semester final grades.
The minimum mark to average between semester marks is 4.
The subject has exams, which will count in the same proportion as the rest of the course's exercises and, in some cases, will define whether or not the student passes the semester.
The grade for the subject is the average of the papers presented and the exam, according to the defined %.
Attendance at exams is mandatory in order to get a grade. Students who do not show up will not be entitled to a grade.

In order to assess whether the student has achieved to an adequate degree the objectives pursued in the subject, the activities carried out in each block will be evaluated.

Evaluation Criteria

The student can benefit from the continuous assessment if he has a class attendance of more than 80%. Minor attendance at classes, without justifiable reason, will result in the student being recorded as absent (NP).

If the student cannot benefit from the continuous assessment system, he must present the overall work completed during the semester on the same date as the rest of his classmates, corresponding to the date assigned to the Expression subject graphics, as well as appearing in the final exam (Ordinary and extraordinary Convocation).

Students who do not pass the ordinary call will have an Extraordinary Call in July in which they can make up the different semesters (or both if necessary).

Students who do not present their work at any of the assessment calls will have a final grade for the subject NP (Not Presented) in the extraordinary call.

Objectives of continuous assessment:
- The main objective is to help the students to bring the subject up to date and achieve a good working method, so that it helps them assimilate the subject, taught progressively, and in obtaining good academic results.
- It also makes it possible to assess the work that the student does on a daily basis, without their grade depending on a single test. In a practical subject such as graphic expression, the need to take exams is not considered because the student develops through the exercises that are presented during the course.
- For the teacher, it helps to have more information about the work done by the students and a better knowledge of them, both academically and personally.

Basic Bibliography

About general drawing knowledge:
Ching, Frank. 'Manual del dibujo arquitectónico'. 3a ed. rev. amp. México D.F: Gustavo Gili, 1992.
Ching, Frank. 'Dibujo y proyecto'. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1999.
Schaarwachter, Georg. ‘Perspectiva para arquitectos’. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1969.
Magali Delgado, Ernest Redondo. ‘Dibujo a mano alzada para arquitectos’. Barcelona: Parramón, 2004.
Nicolaides, Kimon. ‘The natural way to draw’. Boston: Houghton Miflin Company, 1969.
Eissen, Koos. ‘Presenting architectural designs’. London: Architecture Design and technology press, 1990.
Crowe, Norman and Paul Laseau. ‘Visual notes’. Melbourne: Van Nostrand Reinold Company, 1984.
Heuser, Karl Christian. ‘Freehand drawing and sketching’. Melbourne: Van Nostrand Reinold Company, 1980.
Berger, John. ‘Sobre el dibujo’. Editorial Gustavo Gili, SL, 2011.
Berger, John. ‘Berger on Drawing’. Occasional Press, Cork, en 2005.
Pallasma, Juhani. “La mano que piensa”. Editorial Gustavo Gili, SL, 2012

Additional Material

On other issues:
Ruskin, John. ‘Les tècniques del dibuix’. Barcelona: Laertes 1999.
Ficacci, Luigi. ‘Giovanni Battista PIRANESI’. Köln, London, Madrid, New York, París, Tokio: Taschen, 2006.
Cullen, Gordon. ‘El paisaje urbano: tratado de estética urbanística’. 6a ed. Barcelona: Blume: Labor, 1974.
Mc. Luhan, Marshall & Fiore, Quentin. “The medium is the massage”. Ed. Penguin Books, 1967
Careri, Francesco. "Walkscapes. WALKING AS AN AESTHETIC PRACTICE", Ed. GG. 1985
Calvino, Italo. "Invisible Cities". Vintage Digital; New e. edición (14 diciembre 2010)