Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

Human Resources

Human resource (HR) management is the process of hiring, training, and compensating people, developing policies relating to the workplace, and developing strategies to retain employees. It involves staffing, workplace policies, benefits and compensation, retention, training, employment laws, and employee protection. This course, entails an overview of HR management, a fundamental component of the competitiveness, effectiveness, and sustainability of any organization. HR activity determines who is hired, how they are trained, evaluated, and compensated, and what strategies are adopted to retain them. During the course, we will focus on the functions and duties performed under the general rubric of HR, which may be executed by human resource personnel, managers, or various other employees onto whom these responsibilities fall. We will focus on the most common aspects of HR functions such as hiring, termination, compensation, handling staffing issues, and general coordinating with management and employees with the aim of ensuring a harmonious and (cost) efficient workplace. We will consider various contemporary challenges associated with HR management, such as local and global economic climate, the changing nature of the workforce, technological advancements, as well as the importance of equality and fairness. The course entails a foundation course for those planning to pursue HR or management careers, while evoking necessary consideration of HR matters for those planning to work in alternative fields. It is also designed to apply HR knowledge to students' professional and academic endeavours, such as job-application and interview processes, giving and receiving feedback, and understanding commonplace expectations of employees within organizations. Understanding HR matters from the perspective of management and HR personnel can lead to more skillful handling of staff related issues and better ability to navigate such in later working life.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

This course seeks to assist students in:
- Developing a general understanding of HR management and its strategic role within an organization. Understanding the primary functions, duties and responsibilities of HR personnel.
- Developing an awareness of the common constraints and considerations within organizations that come into play in the HR decision-making process, including broader "macro" influences i.e. global and local economic climate, sociocultural, political, and technological factors.
- Becoming familiarized with the interview and selection process from the HR management perspective on one hand, and knowing how to prepare for it on the other.
- Building on existing skills in problem solving and decision making using information available, locating issues within the organization and establishing appropriate resolution measures.
- Further developing necessary academic reading and writing skills, working with publications from the HR field.

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
- Acquire a broad understanding of the field of HR management, as well as the role and requirements of the HR function.
- To acquire skills in problem solving and decision making using relevant information, apply appropriate methods and locate the problem within the whole organization.
- To analyse and evaluate behaviours and decisions in a business context taking into account economic, legal, social and ethical factors.
- To hone better teamwork and interpersonal relationships skills, while also developing creativity and independent learning abilities.
- To assess the influence and effect/impact of HHRR practices on their own professional career
- To analyse and evaluate the role of technology on HHRR practices evolution


The main topics covered in the course are listed below:
- Introduction to HR management
- Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans
- Recruitment
- Selection
- Managing Employee Performance
- Employee Assessment
- Compensation and Benefits
- Training and development
- Diversity and Multiculturalism:
- Successful Employee Communication
- Retention and Motivation


Classes are designed with an interactive "theory then application" approach in mind. The former is imparted through assigned readings and lecturing, while application is accomplished by means of quizzes, teamwork, presentations, discussions, hypothetical scenarios, and other in-class and homework activities. While managed by the professor, classes are ultimately the co-creation of both students and the professor, since much emphasis is to be placed on student input and participation during this course. Students are expected to take a proactive, business-like approach to their own learning, invited to give their opinions and show critical thinking throughout classes and work submitted. Teamwork is considered an essential element in improving students' communication skills and paves the way for working with colleagues in real business contexts. During this course, students will also be given an opportunity to write their own CVs and will gain insight into general interview processes and how best to prepare for them.


The course grade will be based on the following point breakdown:
- 10% based on 1st year student grade from Innovation and Inspiration

Moderately significant activities
- 30% Class participation: individual and group; in-class and homework; quizzes
- 15% Presentation report / research article

Highly significant activities
- 20% Midterm exam: short answer and essay style question(s)
- 25% Final project: Writing assignment & presentation

RETAKE POLICY: Maximum grade of 5 can be awarded.
70% Written exam
30% Exercises and activities to be submitted

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Students will be provided with reading material via eStudy. See also recommended reading list below.

Required textbook:
Human Resource Management, ebook available online by University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing:

Additional Material

Other recommended Textbooks:
- Dolan, S. L., Schuler, R. S., Jackson, S., and Valle Cabrera, R. (2007). La Gestión de los Recursos Humanos: Cómo atraer, retener y desarrollar con éxito el capital humano en tiempos de transformación. New York. McGraw Hill
- Mondy, E. W. and Noe Robert M. (2005). Human Resource Management. Prentice Hall.
- Legge, K. (2005) Human Resource Management: Rhetorics & Realities; Anniversary Edition. London. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Lussier, R. & Hendon, J. (2013). Human Resource Management - Functions, Applications, Skill Development. Thousand Oaks, California. Sage Publications.
- Snell, S. & Bohlander, J. (2013). Managing Human Resources, Boston Massachusetts. Cengage Learning.

Coursera - MOOC
Students may complete the following Coursera offered online by University of Minnesota (optional) in order to earn bonus points:‐human‐resources

Course Social Media
The following LinkedIn group is recommended for students interested in following online discussions and the exchange of HR ideas: