Architecture Workshop. Barcelona: Between the traditional and the modern

In the 13th edition of the Architecture Workshop you will discover 19th century Barcelona from design to construction.

Nid: 24750

To reflect on the previous knowledge of the city, both on an urban and architectural level, in order to project an architecture that lasts over time, and to be able to study its possibilities of reuse in the place.

To know the traditional and contemporary architectural solutions of conceptual and formal quality regarding the place, climate and environment.

Establish a critical analysis of reality and reflect on how the cities of the future should be.

Being able to write a global project both on an urban and architectural level.

To understand that the technical aspects of the profession (construction, structure and facilities) must go together with the project process from the beginning, since these disciplines will provide the real material nature that is innate in architecture.

Use sustainability criteria in the location, construction, use of materials and energy consumption in the life of a building.

Develop a project in a diverse group, applying group dynamics, cooperation, appreciation, motivation and empathy.