Titular Professors
The objective of the course is that once finished, the student will be able to analyze applications from the point of view of user experience and be able to have sufficient criteria to say whether a certain application is usable or has a satisfactory user experience .
Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
RA.01 Knowledge of design tools. (GTIDC, GTAS)
RA.02 Be prepared to face subjects in English. (GTIDC, GTAS)
RA.03 Be able to design elements that satisfies the user experience.
GTIDC: Degree in Computer and Digital Interaction Techniques
GTAS: Degree in Software Application Techniques
The subject seeks to explore the early stages of user-centered design, with a strong focus on a research to set the user experience principles and be able to build and design optimal digital products. The initial part of the process is to know the end user in depth in order to make design decisions aligned with the users needs, business objectives and technology.
The next steps of the design process will be shown in UX2.
This subject bases its learning in 6 different methodologies:
D1 Theoretical classes
D2 Classes on real web environments
D3 Practices
D4 Expert Seminar
D5 Tutoring
D6 Project Based Learning
The course will be taught for 2 hours a day, 2 days a week. Once you have laid the theoretical foundations, one of the two days will be dedicated to the theoretical classes and the other day will be focused on carrying out the practice.
This strategy intend that the knowledge acquired in the theory class can be put into practice in the practical class.
In order to be able to evaluate the students progress, 4 different evaluation systems have been specified:
E1 Exams 50%
E2 Exercises, problems and practices 20%
E3 Class participation 10%
E4 Dossier 20%
E1. Exams
The theoretical exams have two purposes, to follow all those contents that the student is learning on and the level of comprehension in English.
G4 Knowledge of the English language
G6 - Have the ability to make decisions.
G12 - Be able to adapt to new situations.
E7 - Apply fundamentals of graphic design, usability and accessibility in the development of computer solutions that increase the degree of satisfaction and user experience.
E2. Exercises, problems and practices
The purpose of the exercises is for the student to gradually acquire the knowledge and practice with the tools that he will put in practice. In order to be evaluated, students must deliver at least 80% of the exercises, taking into account that those not delivered will be scored with a zero. In case of not delivering 80% of the exercises, the final note will be Not Presented.
Like in the exams, the following competencies will be assessed:
G4 - Knowledge the English language
G6 - Have the ability to make decisions.
G12 - Be able to adapt to new situations.
E7 - Apply fundamentals of graphic design, usability and accessibility in the development of computer solutions that increase the degree of satisfaction and user experience.
E3. Participation of the student in class
During the theoretical classes, the teacher will evaluate if the student prepares the theoretical class and that he knows how to express himself in English.
E4. Dossier
Once the course has finished, the student can show, as proof of everything he has learned, with the Dossier of the project. For this reason it is important for the student to be aware that it must be finished and with a minimum of quality.
As with the exams, the following competencies will be assessed:
G4 - Know the English language
G6 - Have the ability to make decisions.
G12 - Be able to adapt to new situations.
E7 - Apply fundamentals of graphic design, usability and accessibility in the development of computer solutions that increase the degree of satisfaction and user experience.
ABOUT FACE, Alan Cooper