Learning outcomes for students who attend this subject, based on the curriculum of their Master's degree are:
1. Knowledge to develop, direct, coordinate and manage projects in the field of telecommunication.
2. Knowledge of current technology trends with application to telecommunications.
3. Ability to integrate technologies and telecommunication systems.
The overall objectives of the course are:
1. Deepen the concepts of technology-based entrepreneurship. Having a clear vision of the process of creating a business.
2. From a practical point of view, to know all the phases of project management.
3. To know management tools
1. Introduction to technology-based entrepreneurship
2. Entrepreneurship as a process
3. Funding for start-ups
4. Project Management
5. Team Management
6. Resource Management
The training activities used in the course are:
- Assimilation of the concepts associated
- Personal work
- Evaluation activities
Each session is divided into two parts: the first part the teacher teaches the basic skills so that students can investigate and perform the task. The rest of the session is dedicated to implementing the case. The teacher assists students who need to clarify any doubts that may arise.
Assessment activities used in the course are:
- Work performed individually or in groups
- Reports
- Presentations
- Class participation
- Examinations
The final grade is based on the assessment of the overall and individual and will consist of a weighted percentage between class marks, the deliverables and the mark of the final project.
Both deliveries as the final work are evaluated according to different requirements that have been previously established. The group evaluation combines each mark with a weighting that depends on each delivery.