Double Qualification in Engineering Studies in Telematics and Computer Science

Double Degree in Engineering Studies in Telematics and Computer Science

Receive training to become an expert engineer in Network and Internet Technologies and get the CCNA and CCNP official qualifications

Digital Signal Processing

The subject of digital signal processing represents, for the student, an introduction to the methods of processing digital information in one dimension. In the subject, the student will be able to learn how to process digital information through linear and time-invariant systems from analog sources through sampling theory. Digital processing is shown using techniques in the temporal domain and the frequency domain, both at the analytical and numerical levels. It also offers an insight into the Z-transform, another very useful tool when designing filters and analyzing the behavior of digital systems. Finally, a brief introduction is given to the main methods for the design of different filters used in processing by linear and time-invariant systems.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Time and frequency characterization of analog signals and systems. Sampling Theorem.
Complex numbers and series of functions


The objectives of this subject are:
- Learn the basic techniques for the processing of analogue and digital signals.
- Know how to use digital processing techniques on signals with application in the fields of audio and communications.


1 Characterization of discrete LTI systems. Impulse response
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The linear time invariant systems (LIT)
1.3 Impulse response and discrete linear convolution
1.4 Linear difference equations with constant coefficients

2 Fourier analysis for discrete signals and systems
2.1 Introduction to TFSD
2.2 Representation of frequency sequences by TFSD
2.3 Properties of TFSD
2.4 Digital processing of analog band limited signals
2.5 Changing the sampling frequency in the discrete domain (decimation and interpolation)

3 The Discrete Fourier Transform (D.F.T.)
3.1 Representation of periodic sequences: Discrete Fourier Series (DFS)
3.2 Properties of Discrete Fourier Series
3.3 The Fourier transform of periodic signals.
3.4 Sampling of TFSD
3.5 Frequency Representation of finite sequences. The Discrete Fourier Transform (D.F.T.)
3.6 Properties of D.F.T
3.7 Calculation of linear convolution using DFT
3.8 The fast Fourier transform (F.F.T.)

4 The Z transform
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Definition of Z transform
4.3 Properties of the region of convergence (ROC)
4.4 Properties of Z transform
4.5 The inverse transform Z
4.6 Study of linear and invariant systems with the transformed Z


The teaching methodology is based on a block of master sessions in which emphasis is placed on the most important concepts of each topic and exercises are solved. Small practical exercises are incorporated into Matlab that students must submit. In addition, students have notes to the eStudy and solved and proposed exercises that facilitate their study. The final part of the course is a project in which they must work in groups and develop a practical application with Matlab. The practical activity is concentrated at the end to achieve a project with more entity.


On the one hand, theoretical knowledge is evaluated through partial exams (checkpoint) and final exams that are complemented by the continuous evaluation grade. The objective of continuous assessment is for the student to consolidate the knowledge acquired through problems proposed in Matlab and short controls in class. On the other hand, practical knowledge is assessed by submitting the practical work done in Matlab as well as an individual final exam on practical knowledge.

Evaluation Criteria

The final grade of the subject is calculated with a weighted average of the theoretical part (problem solving) and the practical part (final project). Continuous assessment is part of the theoretical part grade.

Basic Bibliography

Documentation of the subject on the subject's intranet
Procesado digital de la señal. Guía docente, Joan Claudi Socoró, José A. Morán y Germán Cobo, Ed, La Salle, 2009

Additional Material

T. K. Rawat, Signals and Systems, Oxford, 2010
A.V. Oppenheim i R. W. Schafer, Discrete Time Signal Processing, Prentice-Hall, 1999
Francesc Tarrés, Introducció al tractament digital del senyal, Bruño/EUETT, 1995