Leandro Madrazo Agudin

Leandro Madrazo Agudin
Sant Josep
C. Quatre Camins 2, 08022, Barcelona
Department of Architecture
Integrated Architectural Research
ARC Responsible Research Group
Research Group

Full professor at the School of Architecture La Salle, Ramon Llull University, where he has been tenured professor from 1999 to 2011.
He is leading the ARC research group (arc.salleurl.edu). He received his Architect diploma from the UPC in 1984, and studied as Fulbright scholar in the Master of Architecture programs at Harvard University and the University of California in Los Angeles, where he obtained the Master in 1988. From 1990 to 1999 he carried out his teaching and research work at ETH Zürich, where he obtained his PhD in 1995.
His pedagogical research activity focuses on the conception, development and application of new pedagogic tools and methods for architecture education that stem from the integration of ICT in different areas of the curriculum: representation, design and theory. SDR Representation Systems (www.salleurl.edu/sdr) is a representative example of this pedagogical research. He has been coordinator of national and European research projects, among which stand out: OIKONET (LLLP 2013-16), SEMANCO (FP7 2011-14), REPENER (National Plan 2010-13), BARCODE HOUSING SYSTEM (National Plan 2005-09), and OIKODOMOS (LLLP 2007-11). He is coordinating the RE-DWELL Marie Curie ITN, TIIMEPAC and the A-Place projects.


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Vincenzo Corrado, Ilaria Ballarini, Leandro Madrazo and German Nemirovskij
Sustainable Cities and Society - 2015