1. Subject data: 1.1. Code: MAE03. 1.2. Subject type: Optional 1.3. Duration: Full semester 1.4. Credits ECTS: 8 (S1) 1.5. Teacher in charge: Glòria Font Basté 1.6. Language: Spanish and Catalan
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Professional profiles (Undergraduate and graduate architects, construction engineers, civil engineers, licensed technicians) working in the construction activity, interested in development of projects implementing all architectonic criteria and applicable construction energy efficiency systems.


Knowledge about sustainable active system, their design and optimization applied to thermal photovoltaic systems and air conditioning.

- Understanding energy sector from an international point of view, regulatory and economic, present trends and research.
- Learning efficient design of building equipment achieving a higher energy saving by applying international standards as ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers).
- Performing and implementing solar energy facilities and efficient air conditioning system projects, working on the architectonic and constructive impact as well
- Understanding and evaluating the energy and economic saving related to the existing technologies.
- About building energy management, regulations and control for achieving maximum energy efficiency.


Thermal and photovoltaic (FV) systems - STF
Introduction to renewable energies.
Thermal - Technology I.
Thermal - Technology II.
Thermal - Equipment design I.
Thermal - Equipment design II.
Thermal - Types and classification I.
Thermal - Types and classification II.
Thermal - Types and classification III and PC.
Thermal - Project, inspections and control IEST.
Thermal - Installation, PeM, O&M.
FV - Technology I.
FV - Technology II.
Thermal - Economic assessment and monitoring energy efficiency.
FV - Plant design.
Monitoring and correcting Project - Thermal.
Technical visits MASEE-1st trimester.
FV - Plant design II y Electric protections.
FV -Design and analysis tools.
FV- Market, O&M y PeM.
Monitoring and correcting projects -FV.
FV - Economic assessment and monitoring energy efficiency.

Efficient Air Conditioning Systems - SEC.
Presentaciones finales-Módulo 1: Térmica y FV.
Introduction. Indoor conditions and comfort/ Energy efficiency of buildings.
Building energy balance (I): Loads calculation.
Building energy balance (II): Psycrometry.
Building indoor air treatment.
PROJECT I: Fundamentals and energy balance/ Demand calculation (Theory).
Efficient production of heat and cold. Conventional systems (I). Boilers.
Efficient production of heat and cold. Conventional systems (II). BdC.
Efficient production of heat and cold. Alternative systems (I).
Efficient production of heat and cold. Alternative systems (II).
Consumption calculation/ Energy efficiency assessment. (I).
Consumption calculation/ Energy efficiency assessment. (II). Practical examples.
Water supply lines calculation (I). Hydraulic.
Water supply lines calculation (II). Circulators.
Air supply lines calculation (I). Diffusion and piping.
Water supply lines calculation (II). Fans.
Types of air conditioning systems. Ventilation equipment.
PROJECT II: Definition of production + Efficiency evaluation.
Technical visits MASEE-2nd trimester.
Building cold/heat indoor distribution (I). Water systems.
Building cold/heat indoor distribution (II). Air systems.

Examples of cold/heat distribution products/systems.
PROJECT III: Presentation of principle sketch and economic assessment.
Air conditioning control.
Energy afficiency assessment. Lighting.
PROJECT IV: Correction.
Energy management and energy services.
PROJECT V: Final presentation.

The course is organized in two modules. First one studies solar thermal and photovoltaic energy facilities, present technology, design and implementation of the own facility and interaction with other facilities and elements of the constructive project.
Second module covers air conditioning facilities targets and techniques in deep, focussing in the production-distribution-diffusion flow as a way of understanding which elements can improve the efficiency of the facility and the interaction with the building.


Workshops 26 35
Studies and individual/group works 78 25
Presentations, communication activities 52 60
Visits to construction sites 26 100
Assessment activities 26 70

Classes combine theory content with practical exercises for a better understanding of concepts presented at each session.
Course includes debates, presentations, computer work and technical visit to construction sites and existing recognized projects/infrastructures related to the content of the course.
Faculty staff is composed by professors and active licensed professionals.
Attendance is mandatory and it is organized in 3 hours sessions during a period time of eight months.


Individual/group work 40.0
Presenting work in front of an audience 20.0
Class attendance and participation 20.0
Exams 20.0

The master will be evaluated upon the combined result of exercises (monitoring and assessment exercises ), attendance and active participation in class and the presentation of practical work that compose the Master Thesis.

Basic Bibliography

IDAE Guía técnica: mantenimiento de instalaciones térmicas. Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía. Madrid (2007)
Vázquez Moreno, J.; Herranz Aguilar, J.C. Manual práctico de instalaciones en edificación II Instalaciones energéticas. Calefacción, climatización, gas. Colección SFIE AC. Ediciones Liteam (2001)
Fumadó Alsina, J. L. ; Climatización de edificios. Ediciones del Serbal (1996).
ATECYR. DTIE 9.05. Sistemas de climatización. Documentos Técnicos de las instalaciones en la edificación. ATECYR (2009).

Additional Material

Class notes.
Technical manuals
Technical guides.
Applicable norms.