27 May 2024

‘Revolució 4.0' of Catalunya Ràdio celebrates a special program at the immersive room of the campus

Students, professors and researchers intervene to discuss topics such as entrepreneurship, artificial intelligence, education and critical thinking

Revolució 4.0, a space of Catalunya Ràdio dedicated to entrepreneurship and digital transformation, has held a special program at La Salle Campus Barcelona, founding member of the Universitat Ramon Llull, to analyze the role of technology in university education. Professors, students, entrepreneurs and researchers from the campus have participated in the program to talk about entrepreneurship, architecture, digital arts, artificial intelligence and the importance of humanist education to promote critical thinking in a technological world.

Revolució 4.0 special program has had three round tables made up of experts from La Salle Campus Barcelona. In the first, the Dean of the International Faculty of Commerce and Digital Economy La Salle, Chris Kennett, and the president of Technova Young, Rafel Jaume, talked about how technology is put at the service of entrepreneurship and how students are taught to be entrepreneurs. Chris Kennett summarized it by explaining that “entrepreneurship is a way of being, thinking and acting”, and that on campus “real and practical experiences are taught so that students can identify problems and develop this way of being entrepreneurs”. In this part, the program has had voices from entrepreneurship such as Laura Moreno, founder of the start-up EarthPulse, incubated and promoted at La Salle Technova, the innovation park of La Salle Campus Barcelona.

Next, Josep Ferrando, Director of the La Salle School of Architecture, and Xavi Bové, Director of the Degree and the Master of Digital Arts, have joined the program, and have talked about urbanism, cities of the future and how these cities are emerging as the stage of art and culture linked to the digital world. Josep Ferrando explained that “the cities of the future are already here” and that the architects of the coming years “will do the same but with much more complexity, so the most important thing is to be prepared and trained”. For his part, Xavi Bové has analyzed the moment of artificial intelligence: “AI is one more tool at our service, it is already part of our daily lives,” he concluded: “Technology will not take you out of work, but it will allow people to work faster and more efficiently”.

Finally, the third round table was formed by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy La Salle, Carles Llinàs; the Director of the La Salle Digital Engineering School, Guiomar Corral; and the Professor at La Salle Campus Barcelona and Vice-Rector for Academic Planning and Quality at Universitat Ramon Llull, Elisabet Golobardes. The rapporteurs have dealt with issues such as care capacity and the need for regulation in the field of artificial intelligence, now that its use has spread and become widespread in society. All three have agreed that the future passes through education and that it is the key to preventing the misuse of technologies.

The program has also had a remarkable representation of students from the different fields of knowledge that are taught at La Salle Campus Barcelona, who have participated from the public with very timely reflections on issues such as entrepreneurship, the use of technology and education that they receive on campus, highlighting the work that is done to cultivate the critical thinking of students and the importance of educating in values to achieve a fairer and more sustainable world. The special of Revolució 4.0 has been recorded in the immersive room of the Interactive Ars & Science Laboratory (IASlab) and during the program work of the students of the campus has been projected. This immersive room is one of the laboratories that make up the IASlab, the multisensory laboratory that explores the relationship between the real and the virtual world and that will be inaugurated soon at La Salle Campus Barcelona.