Double Degree in International Computer Engineering and Management of Business and Technology

Electromagnetic Propagation

In the subject of electromagnetic propagation the student is introduced to the most relevant electromagnetic phenomena for communication systems, the propagation of electromagnetic waves. The subject aims to provide students with a rigorous basis of electromagnetic theory that allows them to understand why and how telecommunication systems work concerning the physical transmission of information. Building on this base of electromagnetic theory, it is then analyzed how an electromagnetic wave propagates in free space, and how it behaves when it impacts on a material medium. Next, the propagation of electromagnetic waves in waveguides and transmission lines is analyzed. Finally, it is analyzed how radiated electromagnetic waves are generated. In the subject, more emphasis is placed on the foundation and consolidation of a set of basic knowledge and tools than in the superficial description of many electromagnetic phenomena. The student, at the end of the course, has enough knowledge to understand concepts of antennas, microwaves, electromagnetic compatibility or optical communications that she or he may encounter later in her or his studies or professional career.
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

Differential and integral calculus of several variables. Static electric and magnetic fields.


The objectives of the subject are the following:

1. Acquire a solid base of electromagnetic field theory that allows to later understand and design systems of emission, transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves

2. Understand what electromagnetic waves are and how they propagate

3. Be able to rigorously analyze simple situations of generation, propagation, reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves, and to use this knowledge to discuss the behavior of electromagnetic waves in more complex situations

4. Understand what waveguides, transmission lines and antennas are.


1.- Mathematical foundations
1.1.- Coordinate systems
1.2.- Vector operators
1.3.- Theorems of vector analysis

2.- Maxwell's equations
2.1.- Electric charges and currents
2.2.- Maxwell's equations in differential and integral form
2.4.- Material media
2.4.- Contour conditions at the interface between material media
2.5.- The Maxwell equations in steady state
2.6.- Power and the Poynting theorem

3.- Propagation of plane electromagnetic waves
3.1.- The wave equations
3.2.- Introduction to plane waves
3.3.- Plane waves in ideal dielectric media
3.4.- Plane waves in media with losses
3.5.- Plane wave polarization
3.6.- Reflection and transmission of plane waves at the interface between material media

4.- Propagation of guided electromagnetic waves
4.1.- Waveguides
4.2.- Equations that govern the propagation of guided waves
4.3.- Propagation of TE and TM waves in rectangular waveguides
4.4.- Dispersion in a waveguide
4.5.- Propagation of TEM waves in a coaxial cable


The presentation of the contents is done in master classes where the teacher explains the theoretical aspects of the subject.

This subject has a very important problem-solving component. During the course the theoretical classes are intertwined with problem-solving classes where the theoretical concepts are applied to the analysis of relevant situations from the point of view of electronic engineering and telecommunications.


The subject is evaluated through four not-compulsory continuous-evaluation assignments, a compulsory final exam in January/February and, if needed, a Resit exam in July.

There are four continuous-evaluation assignments for the continuous-evaluation grade:
1. Test for Lesson 1.
2. Individually done assignments for Lesson 2 and 3.
3. Individually done assignments for Lesson 4 and a practical assignment using ADS.
4. A group assignment.

Participation in estudy forums will be positively assessed. They should be beneficial contributions for the rest of the students.

The final grade for the course is computed as follows:

If the January/February exam grade (or, if the student does not pass the subject then, the July exam grade) is greater than or equal to 4, then the unrounded grade for the course is the maximum of:
- the exam grade
- 0.6 times the exam grade plus 0.4 times the continuous-evaluation grade.

If the exam grade is less than 4, the unrounded grade for the course is the exam grade.

The final grade for the course is 4 if the unrounded grade for the course falls between 4 and 5. Otherwise, it is obtained by rounding the unrounded grade to the nearest whole number.

Evaluation Criteria

The basic criteria for evaluation of the subject are the following:

- The student must know the basic tools of electromagnetism (Maxwell and wave equations, boundary conditions, etc.) and understand their meaning

- The student must be able to analyze and understand situations that involve the generation, propagation, reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves, both radiated and guided

- The student must have a critical attitude regarding the situations she or he analyzes and the results obtained.

Basic Bibliography

D.K. Cheng, Fundamentos de Electromagnetismo para Ingeniería, Addison-Wesley, 1997.
D.K. Cheng, Field and wave electromagnetics, 2a ed., Addison-Wesley 1989

Additional Material

C.A. Balanis, Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Wiley, 1989
D.J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3a ed., Prentice-Hall, 1999