1. Subject information: 1.1. Code: GE007. 1.2. Type of subject: Obligatory. 1.3. Duration: Semestral (S7) 1.4. ECTS credits: 3 1.5. Course coordinator: Lisa Kinnear 1.6. Language: English.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Pass in 3rd year subject of Intermediate Language (AR039).


3. Competences developed in this subject:

Interpersonal competences (IT):

- IT3. Ability to acquire interpersonal abilities.
- IT5. Ability to discuss subject content with non-experts.
- IT7. Ability to work in an international context.

Systematic competences (CS):

- CS3. Ability to develop new learning strategies.
- CS4. Ability to adapt to new situations.
- CS11. Ability to acknowledge the importance of quality and continuous improvement.

Specific competences:

E-33 Intensification in the areas of design, construction management and execution, integrated Project management, quality, environment awareness. Technical language and work placement.

4. Learning objectives of the subject:

Foment communication skills in the English language from both a theoretical and a pracical persepective, in an effort to improve the communication skills of the student in profesional environments.

The study of the specific vocabulary and technical English to enable the student to express him/herself independenly and effectively, and wih ease.
Develop the analytical skills and knowledge required to comprehend and correctly tranlsate texts relating to architecture from English into student's native language.


5. Blocs temàtics en que s´organitzen els continguts de l´assignatura:

1. The changing profession of architecture (tense review)
2. Globalization and climate change (future tenses)
3. Smart cities and the future of urban planning (compartitives/superlatives)
4. Refugee housing solutions (passive)
5. City sprawl and changing dwelling habits
6. Social networking in architecture

1. Grammar content

1.1. Review of verb tenses.
1.2. Modal verbs and conditional structures 0,1,2,3 + `mixed.´
1.3. Questions (direct, indirect, subject/object).
1.4. Contrast links.
1.5. Adjective order
1.6. Comparatives and superlatives
1.7. Basic passive and reported passive structure .
1.8. Futures (will, going to, present simple, present continuous, future continuous, future perfect).

2. Lexical content
2.1. Biographies of architects.
2.2. Technical construction
2.3. Employment, jobs and business.
2.4. Personal experiences.
2.5. Description of a building - age, size, shape, materials etc.
2.6. Descripion of a buiilding - prepositions.
2.8. Numbers analysis.
2.9. Environment
2.10. Infrastructures and transport.
2.11. IT language and expressions .


6. Teaching-learning methodology used o achieve course objecives:

The methodology of his subject can be divided into two parts: the theory clases and the sessions devoted to the practical application of the knowledge adquired in the theory clases.

6.1. Lectures:
The teacher teachers theoretical content through weekly lectures in which the students also complete written work and participate in speaking activities to practice the concepts explained in class. The proportion of time dedicated to each of these activities in class is approximately 60% explanation and content, and 40% to student written and oral exercises.

6.2. Homework:
Apart from the activities carried out in class, students also submit work completed at home. The aim of this type of work is to consolidate the theory taught in class and enable the students the apply them in a practical context.

Methodology and teaching activities:

Theory classes/practical clases in English applied to the construction industry/individual and/or group class exercises group/homework/presentations and individual speeches/group discussions.

ECTS credit breakdown:

4th year course, 3 ECTS, 50%: Oral and written/functional and grammar contents/lexical contents: biographies and profiles of architects/description of buildings/building language and construction terminology/ IT language.

Classroom hours: 50%, 1.5 ECTS credits, dividid into:
Student presentations (IS/IT/CS/B/E) 25% (0,75 ECTS)
Practical sessions: (IS/IT/CS/B/E) 25% (0,75 ECTS)

Total hours of student dedication: 50%, 1,5 cr. ECTS, dividided into:
Individual study: (IS/CS/B/E) 50% (1,5 ECTS)


Subject dedication 3 credits x 26 hours = 78 hours in total
Semestral dedication 12 weeks (12 classes + 2 hours for exams)
Dedicació setmanal 78 hours / 12 weeks = 6,67 hours/week


7. Marking criteria of course objectives:

The student will be assessed according to the marking criteria explained below:

A) Exams. (IS/IT/CS/E19/E29/E33)
Students take 2 exams during the semester (mid-term and final semester), each of which counts for 30% of the final mark.

D) Homework (IS/CS/E19/E29/E33)
The exercises set by the teacher will be presented in class and discussed in group correction activities in class. 2 pieces of written work will be submitted and 2 individual presentations will be made.

J) Participation in class. (IS/IT/CS/E19/E29/E33)
Students are expected to actively participate in class.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Course material is available on the online platform

Additional Material