1. Subject description: 1.1. Code: AR005. 1.2. Kind of subject: Obligatory 1.3. Duration: half-yearly 1.4. ECTS Credits: 6 1.5. Responsible professor: Montserrat Villaverde Rey 1.6. Language: English
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

2. Pre-requirements

Although the subject requires a basic knowledge of the history of Occident, the studies acquired leading up to the School of Architecture are esteemed sufficient.


3. Competences that will be developed with this subject:


Interpersonal competences
IT2- To be able to work in team.

Systemic competences
CS2- Capacity to acquire research abilities.
CS3- To be able to develop learning capacities.
CS7- To be able to acquire knowledge of cultures and costumes of other countries.
Instrumental competences
ISI- Students must be able to analyse and synthesize conceptual frameworks generating new knowledge.
IS5- Students must be able to communicate orally and written in their own language.
IS8- Students must be able to acquire abilities to manage information.



A8- Architectural criticism
A10- Preservation of built heritage

B3- Sociology of culture
B4- Formal analysis
B8- Fundamentals of art
B9- Theory of architecture
B10- History of architecture
B11- Fundamentals of Western architecture

4. Subject aims:

Cultural history is the key to understanding the changes in territory, city and architecture. An initial unit of the subject foments a transversal approach in its presentation of the basic concepts; in order to facilitate understanding and the relationship between history and architecture. In a second unit, the substantive contents of the subject are further strengthened through the analysis of the different periods, centred in specific works and architects throughout history.

The aims of the subject reside in understanding our built heritage and its meaning; in order to acquire the necessary knowledge of both monumental and everyday architecture at a time when a high percentage of architects and building engineers have to plan in historical, urban and constructively consolidated surroundings.

Specific aims for architecture:

- Reinforce our knowledge of cultural history.
- Facilitate the use of the basic tools for identifying the changing terminology used throughout history.
- Appraisal of our built heritage.


5. Thematic units in which the subject´s contents are organised:
- History an instrument for understanding territory, city and architecture.
- Territorial development.
- The configuration of the city.
- Architecture and space.
- Architecture and memory.
- Architecture and power.
- Monumental architecture versus everyday architecture.
- Architecture throughout history.
- Antecedents to the classical world.
- Transits to the medieval world.
- Medieval architecture.
- Renaissance, Baroque and the revision of classicism.
- Contemporary architecture: the revision of historical architectures.


6. Methodological approach to teaching / learning to achieve objectives:

The division of methodological criterion into three large units:
- Furnishing / Provision of theoretical bases, through the presentation of the contents of all the themes included in the syllabus.
- Practical group analysis of specific works; with eyewitness corrections.
- Group practices analysing buildings in Barcelona

All three units a complementary and help towards approaching the history of architecture from the theory to the practice of this knowledge.


Dedication to the subject: 6 credits x 26 hours/credit = 156 total hours
Half-yearly dedication 18 weeks (16 class-hours + 2 exam hours)
Weekly dedication 156 hours/18 weeks = 8,6 hours per week
Concept Total hours
Theoretical classes

Practical classes

Team study

Individual study





Hours to prepare exams
Exams hours 18


7. Marking system:

1. 25% - Group and class analysis.
2. 25% - Group practice of city buildings.
3. 25% - Attendance, participation and progress throughout the semester.
4. 25% - Tests on given syllabus.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography


ADDIS, B.: Building: 3.000 Years of Design, Engineering and Construction. London: Phaidon, 2007.

GOMBRICH, E. H.: (1950) The Story of Art. [16th edition] London: Phaidon, 2012.

KOSTOF, S.: (1985) A History of Architecture : Settings and Rituals. [International Second Edition]. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.

Additional Material


CHING, F.D.K.: (1995) A Visual Dictionary of Architecture. [Second edition] Hoboken (NJ) : John Willey & Sons, 2012.

FLEMING, J.; HONOUR, H.; PEVSNER, N.: (1966) The Penguin Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture. [Fifth edition] London : Penguin Books, 1999.