Double Qualification in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering

Double Degree in Computer Engineering and Multimedia Engineering

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering and the Business Management field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications

Digital Photography

The subject aims for the student to receive sufficient technical and practical knowledge so that upon completion he will be able to develop in the world of photography autonomously. During the semester you will see all the most important subjects of photography such as photographic technique, composition, lighting and digital processing. The idea is not to deepen any of these issues but to give a transversal vision so that the student can understand and take the majority of photographs that are currently in the workplace.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

It is recommended that the student know how to use satisfactorily photo retouching tools.


Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
RA.01 Office tools as well as programming tools (high and low level) are used. (GM)
RA.02 It is known to solve and design any problem in the specific field of analog and digital televisions. (GM)
RA.03 The origins and foundations of interactive digital audiovisual are known as well as the new perspectives in this regard. (GM)
RA.04 Different analog and digital cameras are handled and widely known, not only at the level of use but also of knowledge of the devices that make them up (lenses, films, sensors, shutters and other parameters and equipment). (GM)
RA.05 All types of image formats and storage systems are handled, sometimes based on metadata. (GM)
RA.06 The inviolable foundations of ethics and legality in the media apply. (GM)


The photographic technique
• Optics
• The goals
• The camera

The graphic edition
• The compositional rules
• photographic report
• Expert conference

The lighting
• Natural light and light available
• Flash


D1. Theory classes
The theory classes will help to achieve different concepts that students have previously learned from the Flipped Classroom methodology.
D2. Problem classes and exercises
During the duration of the subject, 4 individual exercises will be proposed that the students will have to carry out in order to deepen the knowledge that is being given.
D3. Seminary
One of the class sessions will be taught by a renowned photographer. The purpose is for the student to understand the labor market that revolves around photography as well as how to work in the professional world.
D4. Flipped Classroom
Some of the concepts will be learned by the student on his / her own from some senior teachers. For this reason the theory classes will serve to validate and expand the contents learned.
D5. Peer Instruction
In order to validate the contents learned, the students must explain the concepts found and explain that they have interpreted each one of them.
D6. Laboratory practices
To better understand lighting concepts, students will need to use the Medialab lab where they will experiment with different types of lighting sources.
D7. Project Based Learning
In order to be able to put into practice all the concepts learned and to learn some new ones (mainly with respect to the part of graphical editing) the student will have to carry out a personal project like those that exist in the reality.


SA1. Exàmens
L’assignatura té dos exàmens teòrics. El primer es realitza durant el punt de control i avalua els temes de la tècnica fotogràfica i l’edició gràfica mentre que el segon (que es realitza al final de l’assignatura) avalua la part d’il·luminació.

SA2. Exercicis, problemes i pràctiques
Durant l’assignatura l’alumne disposarà d’una sèrie d’exercicis per poder comprendre millor els conceptes teòrics ensenyats a classe.

• Exercicis: L’alumne haurà de realitzar 4 exercicis durant tot el semestre. Aquests exercicis es podran fer individualment o en parella.
• Pràctica: Per poder aprovar l’assignatura serà necessari que l’alumne entregui correctament una pràctica individual.

SA3. Presentacions orals
En una de les sessions presencials els alumnes hauran de presentar un concepte tècnic fotogràfic.

SA4. Participació a classe
Per validar que s’han assolit els conceptes donats a classe es realitzaran una sèrie de preguntes a tots els alumnes.

Evaluation Criteria

Nota necessària per aprovar
Per poder aprovar l’assignatura el SA1 i el SA2 han de tenir una nota igual o més gran que 5 en totes les parts que els composen. El SA3 i el SA4 poden no és necessari que estiguin aprovats.

Basic Bibliography

Subject's notes.

Additional Material

LA FOTOGRAFIA PASO A PASO: UN CURSO COMPLETO, Michael John Langford. Ed H. Blume fitxer
ILUMINACIÓN, David Präkel. Ed Blume fitxer
FOTOGRAFIA DIGITAL, Jose Antonio Ramalho. Ed Ocio Digital fitxer
LANGFORD, FOTOGRAFIA BÀSICA, M.Langford, Anna Fox Richard Sawdon. Ed Omega fitxer
NUEVO MANUAL DE FOTOGRAFIA, John Hedgecoe. Ed Omega fitxer
FOTO DIGITAL DE ALTA CALIDAD, Jose Mellado. Ed Artual SL fitxer
FOTOGRAFIA DIGITAL CON POCA LUZ, Tim Gartside. Ed Evergreen fitxer