The student knows and applies the principles of photography and the composition of the image.
Unit 1. The camera. Light images.
Fundamentals of the photographic camera, evolution and identification of capabilities in digital work teams.
Cross-work processes with cameras, essential materials and digital cameras.
Unit 2. Photographic language. Composition and Color.
The photographic capture. Two-dimensional interpretation of reality, visual structures and communicative logic. Composition, color and tropes of visual language.
Unit 3. Management and editing of digital photography.
Digital file stream from camera.
Editing and manipulation and creation of photographic files.
Unit 4. The photographic project.
Phases of the photographic project.
The subject will be established with the aim that the students take control of their training. Fundamental concepts will be introduced through master classes with audiovisual support, references from classic and contemporary photographic authors.
Guided procedural practices will be carried out in the classroom. Work challenges will be proposed that allow the student to deepen and independently develop the concepts and procedures introduced. The student will develop a personal project. The results of the work will be shared in the group for its viewing and analysis.
MD 0 Master class
MD 2 Labs
MD 4 Seminar
MD 6 Project Based Learning
MD 11 Challenge-Based Learning
Ordinary call evaluation:
Continuous evaluation: 20%
Student involvement in classes and timely delivery of work proposals on the agreed dates and manner.
Dossier of works: 80%
The student will submit a final dossier including at least:
- Statement or global positioning of the work (brief)
- Statement or positioning of each series (brief)
- 5 images, Light theme.
- 5 images, composition theme
- 5 images, Color theme
- Edition 2 images.
- 5 free project series images.
They will be valued:
In the formalization of the dossier; structure, adaptation and hierarchy of visual content.
In the pictures; demonstrated levels of understanding and assimilation of content. levels of resolution and application of skills and procedures.
Globally; experimental attitudes, search, methodological and creative knowledge.
Extraordinary evaluation:
The student who does not pass the ordinary evaluation has the option of passing the subject in the extraordinary evaluation call.
Didi-Huberman, G. (2007). La imagen mariposa (1st ed.). Barcelona: Mudito & Co.
Fulford, J., Halpern, G., & Slack, M. (2014). The Photographers Playbook: 307 Assignments and Ideas. Aperture.
Flusser, V. (2015). El universo de las imágenes técnicas. Elogio de la superficialidad. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra Editora.
Melot, M. (2010). Breve historia de la imagen. Madrid: Siruela.
Shore, S. (2009). Lección de fotografía. La naturaleza de las fotografías. Phaidon.