Titular Professors
2. Pre-requirements
Basic knowledge of physics and mathematics
Basic computer skills.
Basic free-hand drawing skills.
3. Competences that this subject helps to develop:
Instrumental competences (IS):
IS1. Capacity to analyze and synthesize
IS2. Capacity to organize and plan
IS3. General knowledge about the study area
IS4. Basic knowledge about the profession
IS8. Ability to manage information
IS11. Basic and fundamental knowledge about the study area
Interpersonal competences (IT):
IT4. Capacity to work in an interdisciplinary team
IT9. Sensibility for the environment
Systematic competences (CS):
CS1. Capacity to apply knowledge into practice
CS4. Capacity to adapt to new situations
CS5. Capacity to generate new ideas
CS8. Ability to work autonomously
CS9. Project design and management
Specific competences:
A1 BASIC ARCHITECTONIC AND URBAN PROJECT. Capacity to apply the basic formal, functional and technical building principles to design buildings and residential states defining its general characteristics.
A2. EXECUTIVE PROJECTS. Capacity to elaborate integral projects to execute buildings and residential states.
A18. FACILITIES PRESERVATION. Capacity to elaborate preservation and maintenance projects of buildings and residential states.
A19. HYDRAULIC INSTALLATIONS PROJECT. Capacity to create, design, calculate and integrate buildings and residential state installations to supply, treat and evacuate water and give technical advice of these aspects.
A20. ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS PROJECT. Capacity to create, design, calculate and integrate buildings and residential state installations to supply and transform electricity, audiovisual communications and artificial light as well as to give technical advice about these aspects.
B14. ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABILITY. Comprehension or knowledge about the architect´s responsibility in relation to the basic principles of ecology, sustainability and resources and environment preservation in building, urbanism and landscape.
4. Subject´s learning objectives:
1. Aptitude to create architectural projects that satisfy the esthetic and technical exigencies.
5. Capacity to understand the relation between persons and buildings, and between them and the environment, as well as to relate the buildings with the spaces among them according to the necessities and human scale.
7. Knowledge of research methods and preparation of building projects.
8. Comprehension of the problems about structural conception, building and engineering related with the projects of the buildings.
9. Adequate knowledge of the physical problems and of different technologies, as well as the function of the buildings so that they can be provided with the adequate conditions to be comfortable and protected of weather conditions.
10. Capacity to satisfy the building-user´s requirements respecting the budget and the construction regulation.
5. The subject´s contents are organized as follows:
5.1. Introduction
The building as an ecosystem
- Energy.
- The building as an energy interchanger.
- The building as space to live.
History of environmental improvement.
- Popular architecture
- Establishment of installations
5.2. Physic-physiological concepts
Comfort. Parameters.
- Micro-thermal
- Acoustics
- Lightning
Comfort. Factors.
- Cultural
- Physiological
5.3 Hygrothermal behavior of the buildings.
Physical concepts, charges and energetic interchange.
- Transmission
- Solar radiation
- Occupation
- Illumination
- Equipment
- Exterior air
- Thermal inertia
Passive means (structural).
- Implantation
- Relation with the environment
- Form
- Microclimate
- Orientation
- Stout / empty
- Ventilation
- Thermal inertia
- Solar protection
- Isolation
Active means (energetic).
- Ventilation
- Conditioning
- Heating
- Refrigeration
- Air conditioner
5.4 Acoustic behavior of the buildings
Physical / physiological phenomenon
Local conditioning
- Physical phenomenon.
- Absorbent materials.
- Criteria to design rooms.
Isolation to the aerial noise.
- Law of mass action.
- Law of frequencies.
- Analysis of different frequencies.
- Membranes
Isolation of impact noise.
5.5 Building´s light behavior
Physical / physiological phenomenon
- Units: lumen, candela, lux, nits.
The light in architecture.
Design of illumination.
Elements and types:
- Luminary, protection degrees, intensity diagram.
- Lamp, temperature, color efficiency. Efficiency.
- Electric equipment.
- Emergency lighting system.
- By flux.
- Point by point.
5.6 Accessibility
Urban and building accessibility rules.
- Adaptable and practicable itineraries.
- Adapted house interior.
- Public and living buildings.
- Elevators.
- Hygienic services.
5.7 Installations of rigid implementation
Installation of transports (elevators
Evacuation of liquids.
Evacuation of gases ad smoke.
Evacuation of solids.
5.8 Service installations
Introduction to the components and systems.
Water supply.
Electric supply.
Fuel supply.
Installation of telecommunications, spaces preview.
5.9 Installation of detection and extinction of fire.
6. Teaching-learning methodological approach to accomplish the objectives:
A building may be analyzed as an ecosystem that receive energy from the exterior, is affected by it and finally returns to the environment. The energy comes from the nature (sun, weather, etc.) and from the people that generate it as a consequence of the technique (electricity, telecommunications, etc.) The energetic behavior of the building is complex and must be analyzed in terms of comfort, efficiency, security and sustainability. The residues return back to the nature with diverse consequences that must be analyzed. This approach permits analyzing the facilities from very different aspects.
From the environmental comfort:
Certain facilities are intended to provide comfort to the environment (hygrothermal, lighting), that in a more global analysis, should be considered as complementary to the natural behavior of a particular building in a particular environment, due to its design.
From the need:
Other facilities are the necessary support of the ones mentioned above (fuel supply, waste gases ...) and also must satisfy functional requirements to enable people to develop their daily life, with a increasingly -degree of comfort (water supply, of electricity ...).
From the knowledge of the techniques:
Each of the facilities reflects a logic behavior usually based on physical principles, which should be known for their correct application.
From the knowledge of the project:
The architectural project is developed in a process over time that will involve many variables of different natures, ending in the constructed building. In this context, the facilities are proposed as an additional variable, that at the same time provide comfort and services to the building, and which design must demand a correct implementation to allow proper function.
Through classes and workshops developed in the classroom during and after school hours, student work outside the classroom schedule.
Dedication to the subject = 6 credits - 26 hours / credit = 156 hours
Half-yearly dedication = 20 weeks (17 class-weeks + 3 exams)
Weekly dedication = 156 hours / 20 weeks = 7,8 hours / week
Concept Total Hours
Lectures: 17 week x 6 hours per week = 102 h. 60% (61,2) 61,2
Classes-exercises 40% (40,8) 40,8
Exercises for home: 156 class hours; doubts, exams = 26h. 75% (19,5) 19
Individual study: 25% (6,5) 6
Sessions to ask for doubts: aprox 5% of the total hours (5,1) 5
Tutorship: 1
Total hours of dedication beside exams 133
Study for exams: 3 weeks x7,8 hours per week = 23,4 23,4) 19
Exams: 4
Total half-yearly dedication 156
7. Evaluation of the achievement-level of the objectives:
Practical work with graphical development and models for studying the energy performance of a space, with a reduced program and a particular climate. Study and analysis of different acoustic and light spaces. Study of the degree of accessibility of a living space and environment. Analysis of different supply facilities and services of a residential building. Analysis of the requirements in case of fire (passive protection) of living space.
Exam of each of the subjects taught.
a) Exams 50%
b) Practical work 50%
The evaluation will be qualitative and quantitative about practical work and exams and according to the general and specific competences mentioned before. The evaluation grade will be calculated with the percentages above. Participation in class will be taken into account.
8. Basic information sources. Bibliography
Apuntes desarrollados desde la propia escuela de arquitectura.
Código de Accesbilidad de Catalunya.
Código Técnico de la edificación. Documentos Básicos.
Abalos, I., Herreros, J. Técnica y Arquitectura en la ciudad contemporánea. Ed. Nerea.
Banham, R. La Arquitectura del entorno bien climatizado. Ed. Infinito.
Tedeschi, E. Teoría de la Arquitectura. Ed. Nueva Visión.
Eiler, S. Experiencia de la Arquitectura. Ed. Biblioteca Universitaria Labor.
Olgyay, V. Arquitectura y Clima. Ed. Gustavo Gili.
Coch, H., Serra, R. El disseny energètic a l´arquitectura. Ediciones UPC.
Serra, R. Les energies a l´arquitectura. Ediciones UPC.
Serra, R. Arquitectura y climas. Ed. G. G. Básicos.
Fumadó, J. L. Climatización de edificios. Ed. El Serval.
Isover. Manual de aislamiento en la edificación.
Paricio, I. Colección cuadernos bisagra. Ed. Bisagra.
Cita V. Manual del Vidrio.
De las Casas, J. Mª., González, R., Puente, R. Curso de iluminación integrada en la arquitectura. Madrid: Colegio oficial de Arquitectos de Madrid.
Feijo, J. Instalaciones de iluminación en la arquitectura. Universidad de Valladolid.
Pérez M. Compendio práctico de acústica aplicada. Ed. Láser.
Meisser, M. Acústica de los edificios. Ed. ETA.
Estudio de acústica de la Salle. Ed. La Salle.
David Lloyd Jones Arquitectura y entorno Ed. Blume
Edward Allen Cómo funciona un edificio Ed. Gustavo Gili
Rock Irvin La percepción Ed. Labor
Paricio, I. La protección solar. Ed. Bisagra.
Paricio, I. Las claraboyas. Ed. Bisagra.
J.Ll. González Les Claus per construir l´Arquitectura Ed.?
Roca Manual de calefacción
Philips Ibérica, S.A. Manual de alumbrado
Isalgué, A. Física del so i la llum Ed. UPC
Carrión Isbert, A. Diseño acústico de espacios arquitectónicos Ed. UPC
M. Pérez Acústica en los edificios Ed. ETA