Titular Professors
Basic mathematic knowledge.
Instrumental skills (IS ) :
- IS1.To be able to analyze and synthesize conceptual frameworks generating new knowledge.
- IS3. Be able to acquire basic knowledge about the study area
- IS4. Be able to acquire basic knowledge of the profession
- IS8. Be able to acquire skills in information management
- IS9. Be able to solve problems
- IS10. Be able to take decisions
- IS11. Be able to acquire basic knowledge and basic level training
- IS12. Be able to gain knowledge in a specialty training
Interpersonal skills (IT):
- IT1.Be able to acquire capacity and self- criticism
Systemic skills ( CS ) :
- CS1. Be able to apply theory in practice
- CS2. Be able to acquire research skills
- CS3. Be able to develop new learning strategies
- CS4. Be able to adapt to new situations
- CS8. Be able to work independently
Specific skills:
B16 of the physical sciences
B20 Calculus
B23 Basis of general mechanics
B25 Building Materials
4. Learning objectives of the course:
Physics is the science is looking for everything around us. Learning basic ways to understand architectural world questions. Acquire a scientific method necessary to face a positive attitude and knowledge, and so study building parameterized aspects.
In this way, students will achieve a basic knowledge about the physical components of the architectural language and basic tools needed to understand the implementation of the construction of structures and facilities in the shaping of the building.
5. Organized in thematic content of the subject:
- Introduction to vector quantities .
- Forces and static equilibrium.
- Types of forces: actions and reactions.
- The mass center.
Matter and Energy
- The subject matter forces: elasticity
- Hooke's law
- Strain and tension.
- The deformation energy.
- Case study: Deformation cables.
- density
- pressure
- Pascal's Principle
- Archimedes' Principle
- Surface tension and capillarity.
The heat and transport.
- Brief introduction to thermodynamics
- Heat transport mechanisms:
1. Driving
2. Convection
3. Radiation
- Heat dissipation
The raw and heat.
- thermal conductivity
- specific heat
- Coefficient of thermal expansion .
The sound.
- The physics of sound.
- The measurement of sound.
- The sound through the material.
Matter and sound.
- soundproofing
- sound absorption
6. Methodological approach of teaching and learning to achieve the objectives:
Divide the methodology used to achieve the goals in four points:
6.1. Lectures:
The teacher taught the concepts of the course master classes throughout the semester. The theory will be accompanied by the resolution of problems and to clarify concepts. The proportion of time spent on each task during lectures is approximately 80% to 20 % and a theory presentation and problem solving type.
6.2. Class time devoted to solving exercises:
An important part of the course is to solve the problems by the students in class. Here the teacher can identify problems encountered by students. The problems are more difficult than lectures. In general the exercises are solved individually or in pairs. After a proposed exercise and a prudent time for solving them, the teacher will solve the problem on the board. These hours represent approximately 30% of class time.
6.3. Exercises for solving outside the classroom:
The teacher will propose exercises outside the classroom with the intention to strengthen the knowledge of the students and to promote reflection on the theoretical concepts explained in class.
Content credits :
TIMING : semesters
Total contact hours : 50% , 3 cr.ECTS divided into :
Class hours exhibition: (IS / IT / CS / B / E ) 35 % (2.1 ECTS )
Practical classes Hours: ( CS / B / E ) 15 % ( 0.9 ECTS )
Total hours of student work / at : 50% , 3 cr.ECTS divided into :
Work not protected : ( CS / B / E ) 50 % ( 3 credits )
Dedication to 6 credits subject to 26 hours / credit hours = 156
Dedication yearly 18 weeks ( 16 lessons + 2 `s exams )
Weekly dedication hours/18 156 weeks = 8.6 hours / week
Total hours CONCEPT
Classes 55
Practical classes 22
Individual study 59
Total hours apart dedication of 136 reviews
17 hours preparing exams
3 hours exams
HALF-YEARLY TOTAL dedications / year 156
7. Assessing the level of achievement of objectives:
To evaluate if the student has reached the objectives we will do in the following way:
A. Exam. Students will make an exam of all the subjects at the end of the course. (70% of overall grade)
D. Homework The teacher will evaluate the student exercises done at home. (20 % of overall grade)
J. Exercises done in class. The professor proposed exercises to be solved in class individually or in pairs and the teacher will evaluate it. (10% of overall grade)
8. Sources of basic information. Bibliography:
Addleson L. Materials for the construction . Wants. One . Barcelona Reverté 1991.
Bedford - Fowler . Static . Buenos Aires : Addison - Wesley , 1996.
Beer , F. P. , Russell, E. Vector Mechanics for Engineers . Wants. 1: static . Madrid : McGraw- Hill, 1995.
Beer , F. P. , Russell, E. Mechanics of Materials . Bogotá : McGraw- Hill, 1993.
Bonet, V. Introduction to the science of building materials. Barcelona : UPC , 1995.
Collier , A. M.; Powney , D. J. Properties and Mecánicas térmicas los material. Barcelona Reverté 1977.
R. P. Feynman , R. B. Leighton and M. Sands , Physics, Adison - Wesley Iberoamericana
Gordon , J. E. Structures : or Why Things Do not Fall Down. New York : Da Capo , 1981.
Illston , J. M. Construction materials. Their Nature and Behaviour . London : E & FN Spon , 1992.
Lyons , A. R. Materials for architects and builders . An introduction . Bath ( UK ) : Arnold , 1997.
Salvadori , M. , Heller , R. Structures for architects . Buenos Aires : CP67 1992 .
Tipler . Physics . Barcelona Reverté 1994.
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