Degree in Electronic Engineering in Communications + Degree in Engineering in ICT Management

Double Degree in Electronic Engineering in Communications + Degree in Engineering in ICT Management

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degree programs in the fields of ICT Engineering and Business Management. With the double degrees, you can complete your university studies in 5 academic years and obtain two official degree qualifications

Analog Electronics

Applications are basically studied in the field of the analog electronics: negative feedback, stability, operational amplifier, oscillators, and power amplifiers. Practices consist of the theoretical study of the design´s different electronic blocks, by means of their simulation on PSpice, as well as the on board implementation of the design.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Secretary General
Previous Knowledge

Basic Electronics and Physics in Electronics


Students who do this subject achieve and develop the following knowledge and abilities:

1. Have a basic general knowledge of the studied area.
2. Acquire a capacity for analysis and synthesis in the study and design of analog circuits.
3. Acquire the capacity for organization and planning in systems design.
4. Use software techniques and new tools in systems design
5. Identify and have the capacity to apply knowledge to practice in electronics problems, in a laboratory setting and working in a team.
6. Have the ability to manage information received from different sources, to apply it to the problems posed and the practices designed.


1 Small Signal Analysis. Amplifier Concepts and Hybrid Parameters
1.1. Introduction to parameters.
1.2. BJT Hybrid Parameters
1.3. BJT [h] Parameters
1.4. JFET Hybrid Parameters
2 Frequency Response of Amplifiers
2.1. Frequency-Response Concepts.
2.2. Bode
2.3. Frequency Response
2.4. Multistage Amplifiers
3 Feedback Circuits
3.1. Feedback Concepts
3.2. Gain and Impedance of feedback Amplifiers
3.4. Circuits
3.3. Analysis Method
4 Stability of Feedback Circuits
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Methods
5 Oscillators
5.1. Basic Characteristics
5.2. Barhausen's Criterion
5.3. RC Oscillators
5.4. LC Oscillators
5.5. Crystals
6 Basic Operational Amplifier Characteristics
6.1. Basic Op-Amp Characteristics
6.2. Operational Amplifier Linear Applications
6.3. Instrumentation Amplifier
6.4. Integrator
6.5. Differentiator
6.6. Active Filters
6.7. Actives filters vs passive filters
7 Operational Amplifier Non-linear Applications
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Comparator. Clippers and Clampers
7.3. Schmitt Trigger
7.4. Astable Multivibrator
7.5. Monostable Multivibrator
7.6. Logarithmic Amplifier
7.7. Rectifiers
8 Power Amplifier
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Classification
8.3 Class A
8.4 Class B Push-Pull
8.5 Class AB Push-Pull
9 D/A and A/D Converters
9.1. The ideal D/A converter.
9.2. The practical D/A converter. General terms and definitions.
9.3. Basic D/A converter circuits.
9.4. Segmented converters and self-correcting circuits.
9.5. The ideal A/D converter.
9.6. The practical A/D converter. General terms and definitions.
9.7. Integrating-type A/D converters.
9.8. A/D converter circuits with a DAC.
9.9. Parallel or flash A/D converter circuits.

Laboratory practices
0. Switching Transistor.
1. Feedback amplifier.
2. Operational amplifier.
3. Power Amplifiers


The methodology used in this subject separates lessons in two kinds: theoretical and practical.

Theory lessons basically consist of theoretical explanations of the subject´s contents and solving problems related to these contents. In each theory block, problems are posed for the students to resolve at home and hand in to the teacher in order to do a continuous evaluation. Some problems are also posed in class for students to resolve them in situ and actively participate in class.

Practical lessons have the intention of giving practical examples of that explained in the theoretical classes. In order to do the practical classes in the Electronics laboratory, students are divided into smaller groups with a teacher for each group. These lessons are attended and are always done with the teacher, for any advice they may need. Students do the practices in pairs.

Each one of the practices consists of various sessions. In the first sessions the teacher goes through the theoretical contents necessary to do the practices, and the assemblies which need to be done. The following sessions are for the student to simulate all the suggested assemblies with the computer and the adequate software. Once this is studied, and with a clear idea of the final design, the last sessions are for the practical assembly. This assembly and its technical report must be defended before the teacher.

For the student´s better performance he/she has the possibility of personalized consultations on the subject, at a contents level, or on any other related matter (studying methods, planning, practical designs, problems correction…)


This subject is divided in two different parts: a theoretical and a practical part. Each part is evaluated separately and each one has to be passed in order to pass the complete subject.
If both parts are passed, the subject´s final grade will be the arithmetic addition of the Theoretical grade (out of 10) and the Practical grade (out of 2). If the addition of both grades is over 10, then the subject´s final grade is MH.
In the event that someone doesn´t pass the theoretical part, the subject´s global grade will be the one of the theoretical part, only if the practices have been handed in. If the student has not take the Theoretical exam or has not handed in the practices, the subject´s grade will be NP.

Theoretical part evaluation:
The theoretical grade is the result of calculating the arithmetical mean of each term´s theoretical grade, provided that both terms have been passed. If the student has failed one term, the theoretical grade is also failed automatically.
The half-yearly theoretical grade is obtained from the exams and the continuous evaluation done along the semester.
This subject has two semesters. Each one is passed provided that the grade is equal or higher than 5. Each term grade is obtained from the higher grade of:
a) GRADE_ OF_ THE_HALF-YEARLY_ EXAM x 0.7 + CONTINUOUS_EVALUATION x 0.3 (if the exam´s grade isn´t above 3.5, the term´s grade will by the same as the exam´s grade directly)
The continuous evaluation grade of each term is obtained from the term´s practices, problems and projects made at home or in class, and from the midterm exam´s grade. The continuous evaluation grade of each term is kept for the remedial exams.
The midterm exam allows exonerating some content for the half-yearly exam (not for the remedial exams). The midterm exam grade is calculated from the midterm exam grade (70%) and the continuous evaluation done up to that moment (30%), provided that the exam grade is higher to 3.5. If it is lower than 3.5, the grade for the midterm will be directly the one of the midterm exam.
The exam for the first semester is on February.
During the June ordinary period of exams, the second semester exam must be taken, and in case that the February exam was failed, it must be retaken again in June.
In the event that one semester has a grade lower than 5, the student must retake the exam during the extraordinary period. During the recovery exams, students must take the semesters failed during the ordinary exams.

Practical part evaluation:
It is evaluated with: home works, reports and group works, practical works in the computer, presentations and participations in the laboratory.
The practices are done in pairs. They must be handed in along the course in the established deadlines. During the ordinary and extraordinary period of exams there are established due dates for delayed practices (with a penalization in the grade)
In order to pass the practical part, all the subject´s practices must be handed in. Each practice is graded between 0 and 2 points according to the quality of the previous study, the reports, the assembly and the presentation. The final practice mark is the average of the different practice grades according to a weighting. The final grade will be between 0 and 2. If a student doesn´t hand in any practice, the practical grade will be NP.
For those repeating courses, the practices´ grade will be saved only for a year. The third year it must be validated.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1
Student must prove to have the basic knowledge related to the subject

Objective 2
Students must know how to resolve and design any problem posed in the field of analog electronics

Objective 3
Students must have the capacity to plan all the tasks related to the practices in order to hand them in on the dates established for each one of the parts forming the practices.

Objective 4
Students must be used to working with the computer and to systems analysis and design on the computer, as a step previous to the implementation of any design

Objective 5
Students must have the capacity for organization in order to work and promote team work. In the same way, team work provides the possibility of developing the capacity of applying the knowledge acquired to the practical design and being able to solve any problem.

Objective 6
Students must have the capacity for synthesis in front of all the information received, in order to choose the best elements for the realization of the practices.

Basic Bibliography

Llibre de problemes, Departament Electrònica, Enginyeria La Salle, 2010
Apunts d'Electrònica, Departament Electrònica, Enginyeria La Salle, 2010

Additional Material

J. Margalef, Anàlisi i Disseny de Circuits Analògics, Enciclopèdia Catalana, 1994
Millman, Microelectrònica, Hispano Europea, 1993
Sèrie `BURR-BROWN´ sobre Amplificadors Operacionals, Mc Graw-Hill, 1971
Pressman, Switching and linear power supply, Hayden, 1977
Seidman, Integrated Circuits Applications Handbook, John Wiley, 1983
Gray-Meyer, Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, John Wiley, 1977
Taub-Shilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, (Traduït), 1977
B.W. Williams, Power Electronics. Devices, Drivers and Applications, MacMillan, 1986
A.B. Grebene, Bipolar MOS Analog Integrated Circuits, John Wiley, 1984