20 April 2020

‘Digital Coffees’, a cycle of meetings to analyse the affection of COVID-19

La Salle-URL has initiated a series of meetings with experts to analyze the effects of the coronavirus pandemic from different points of view. The ‘Digital Coffee’ sessions, as the initiative is called, wants to respond to concerns about the changes and transformation of the professional system as a result of the effects of the current environment. To this end, Lluís Font, Director of Executive Education at la Salle-URL and coordinator of the Executive MBA, will invite different experts to discuss with him about the future of supply chain, agile methods, risk management, neuroleadership, digitization and eCommerce, among others.

The ‘Digital Coffee’ sessions format is intended to be relaxed and close, lasting about half an hour and attended by some of the leading experts of La Salle-URL. The meetings will take place in a virtual office and are open to all public, who must previously register - free of charge - in order to attend. The initiative is aimed at professionals who want to know what the COVID-19 may involve and cause. The experts of La Salle-URL will assess the situation of their fields of knowledge and, together with Lluís Font, will offer advice and give recommendations to address the complex current situation and the uncertain future situation.

Supply chain and coronavirus. Will supply chains be the same after the coronavirus?​

In the first digital meeting, Lluís Font shared reflections on supply chains and logistics with Concha Gaudó, co-founder of Akori Cosmetics and coordinator of the Master in Supply Chain Management & Technology at La Salle-URL. Due to the global nature of the pandemic, which is affecting all countries in the world, the evolution of supply chains will mark a new era in business and economic management. You can consult the summary of the meeting in the blog 'think like a project manager'.

Keys to resilience in the company in times of crisis. What can we do?

In the second meeting of the ‘Digital Coffee’ sessions, Xavier Albaladejo was the guest and discussed with Lluís Font about how companies should act in times of crisis like the current one. Xavier Albaladejo, in addition to coordinating the Master and Postgraduate in Agile Methods at La Salle-URL, is an expert in organizational transformation based on Agile-Lean principles. His work as an Executive Coach has led him to become Vice President of Agile Spain. At the same time, he has worked at Everis and he is currently in charge of making the company Partnos - Voxel Group more agile. The report of the webinar can be found on the blog 'Think like a project manager'.

The “New Normal” business post COVID-19​

  • Monday, April 27th - Josep Miquel Piqué, director of internationalization and innovation at La Salle-URL and executive president of La Salle Technova

Josep Miquel Piqué, director of internationalization and innovation of La Salle-URL and executive president at La Salle Technova, was the third guest in this series of digital meetings. Lluís Font discussed with him about entrepreneurship and business development, with special emphasis on postcovid-19, the post-pandemic era. Josep Miquel Piqué is an expert in the development of the knowledge-based economy and society, President of the Xarxa Catalana de Parcs Científics i Tecnològics (XPCAT), Vice-President of APTE and former president of IASP.

eCommerce facing the COVID-19 crisis

One of the business sectors that will best come out of the effects of the coronavirus is eCommerce, which has been claimed as the main channel for buying and selling during the pandemic. Lluís Font and Santiago Sánchez, director of the eBusiness area at La Salle-URL and CEO at Etailers eCommerce and, as well as an expert in the Internet and IT sector for over twenty years, discussed about it.

Risk management in times of crisis - Managing risk: A skill for life, not just for projects

  • Tuesday, May 5th - David Austin Hillson (The Risk Doctor)

The fifth meeting of the ‘Digital Coffee’ sessions was attended by one of the world's leading experts in risk management, David Austin Hillson, better known as ‘The Risk Doctor’. Consultant, writer and speaker, ‘The Risk Doctor’ has contributed significantly to the risk management field and talked with Lluís Font on how companies should manage the current crisis situation. David Austin Hillson has been recognized as the 'Risk personality of the year' (2011) and has received, among other awards, the 'PMI Eric Jennet PM Excellence'.

Neuroleadership. Times of crisis? No, time of revolution... of inner revolution​

  • Tuesday, May 12th - Emma Barthe, professor of Neuroleadership at La Salle-URL

Emma Barthe, professor of Neuroleadership in the Postgraduate Course in Thought and Creativity at La Salle-URL, has extensive experience in the field of psychodiagnosis applied to the transformation of leaders and cultures, the management of feelings in the organization, leadership and emotional intelligence. In this digital meeting she discussed with Lluís Font about how the crisis can help generating transformations. With a Degree in Health Psychology from San Vincent Medical Center in Los Angeles, Emma Barthe currently leads the Neuroleadership and Psychodiagnosis program of the Arise Culture & People platform that belongs to the Group Nexe, Way of Change.

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