01 July 2024

Congratulations, graduates!

La Salle-URL celebrates the Graduation Ceremonies of the promotions of the 23-24 course of all degrees

The degree students who are finishing their studies at La Salle-URL this year celebrated the Graduation Ceremonies of the year 23-24 on June 25 and 26. There were four events with which the students culminated their stage of academic and personal training on campus and, accompanied by family members and educators, began to look to the future knowing that they are already part of the network and history of La Salle.

Students graduated from the Architecture degrees, taught by the La Salle-URL School of Architecture (ETSALS); the Engineering degrees and the Animation & VFX and Digital Arts degrees, all taught by the La Salle-URL School of Engineering (ETSELS); of the degrees in Business and Management, taught by the International Faculty of Commerce and Digital Economy La Salle-URL (FICEDLS); and Philosophy degrees, taught by the Faculty of Philosophy La Salle-URL.

Almost 400 students attended the celebrations. At the same time, around 1,400 family members and companions enjoyed the Graduation Ceremony at the La Salle Bonanova Theater and many more followed the ceremonies virtually via streaming. The events were also attended by teachers, coordinators and tutors of the degrees; and also administration and service staff, all educators from La Salle-URL.

The events were attended by Josep M. Santos, General Director of La Salle-URL, who encouraged the students: "You have shown the ability to overcome and be constant in your goals. This strengthens you and will help you in the future”. School deans and directors were also present; academic directors, directors and degree coordinators; and two representatives of Ramon Llull University: the Chancellor, Josep Rom; and the Vice Chancellor of International and Student Relations, Carlo Gallucci. In addition, all events had a godmother or a godfather, the figure who endorses the promotion. The four people who sponsored the promotions of the 23-24 course of La Salle-URL were:

All four showed great emotion and pride in taking on the task of sponsoring the different promotions of La Salle-URL, and their words inspired the graduates to begin their professional path.

La Salle-URL's Flickr profile contains all photographs from the four graduation events:

  1. Engineering Graduation Ceremony
  2. Architecture and Philosophy Graduation Ceremony
  3. Animation & VFX and Digital Arts Graduation Ceremony
  4. Business & Management Graduation Ceremony

Enhorabona, graduats, sou un orgull per a La Salle-URL