The degrees and masters students finishing their studies at La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL this year held Graduation Ceremonies on July 5, 6 and 7. There were a total of seven events in which the students completed their stage of academic education on the Campus and, accompanied by family members and educators, began to look to the future with the certainty that they are already part of the La Salle network and history. Students graduated from the degrees and masters in Architecture, taught by the La Salle-URL School of Architecture (ETSALS); the degrees and masters in Engineering and the Animation & VFX and Digital Arts degrees, all taught by the La Salle-URL School of Engineering (ETSELS); and the degrees and masters in Business, taught by the International Faculty of Commerce and Digital Economy La Salle-URL (FICEDLS).
Nearly 700 students attended the celebrations in person, and another 50 did so via streaming. In addition, more than a thousand relatives and companions enjoyed the Graduation Ceremonies at the La Salle Bonanova Theater and another 500 followed the ceremonies virtually. The acts were also attended by professors, coordinators and tutors of the degrees and masters; and also workers and support staff, all educators from La Salle-URL. The seven events were attended by Josep M. Santos, General Director of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL; by the deans and directors of schools; by the academic directors, directors and coordinators of both degrees and masters; and various representatives of the Ramon Llull University, including the rector, Dr. Josep Maria Garrell.
In addition, all the acts had a godmother or a godfather, the figure that sponsors the promotion. The seven people who sponsored the promotions of the 21-22 academic year of La Salle Campus Barcelona were:
- Mrs. Assumpció Puig, former Dean of the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) - Godmother of the degrees and masters in Architecture
- Mr. Carles Puig de Travy, Dean of the Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya - Godfather of the first group of Business Masters
- Dr. Francesc Escudero, CTO Devalirian Engineering - Godfather of Engineering degrees
- Mrs. Marisol López, General Director of Innovation and Digital Culture of the Department of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya - Godmother of the Animation & VFX and Digital Arts degrees
- Mr. Antonio Bullido, CEO of Bricomart Spain - Godfather of the Masters in Engineering
- Mr. Jörg Arens, Head of Portfolio & Stakeholder Management de SCRM-Lidl International Hub - Godfather of Business degrees
- Dr. Jaume Llopis, professor of IESE - Godfather of the second group of Business Masters
In the Flickr profile of La Salle Campus Barcelona you can see all the photographs of the seven events: the Graduation Ceremony for the degrees and masters in Architecture, the two Graduation Ceremonies for the masters in Business, the Graduation Ceremony for the Engineering degrees, the Graduation Ceremony for the Animation & VFX and Digital Arts degrees, the Graduation Ceremony for the Business degrees and the Graduation Ceremony for the Engineering masters.
Congratulations to all the new graduates of La Salle-URL!