The Col legi d'Economistes de Catalunya, which has more than 7,800 members dedicated to economics and business, and La Salle Campus Barcelona —through the La Salle International Faculty of Commerce and Digital Economy (FICEDLS)— sign a collaboration agreement to promote the entry into the labor market of La Salle-URL graduates in Business & Management programs, while they will work together on projects of common interest.
With this agreement, all La Salle-URL students of the degrees in Digital Business, Design and Innovation, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics and Management of Business and Technology will have special conditions to pre-register and, once graduated, to register. FICEDLS master's and postgraduate students will also have special benefits. In addition, all members of the La Salle-URL community will be able to enjoy the different services of the Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya, such as conferences and work sessions, under advantageous conditions.
For its part, La Salle-URL will promote the activity of the Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya that is of interest to students and educators and, at the same time, will apply special conditions to take master's degrees, postgraduate degrees and courses to members. The FICEDLS will encourage the active participation of the Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya in programs and sessions, taking advantage of the experience of the Col·legi's professionals. Likewise, both institutions will study, based on the agreement, ways of collaboration to jointly organize activities, courses and events. The Dean of the Col·legi d'Economistes de Catalunya, Carles Puig de Travy, and the General Director of La Salle-URL, Josep M. Santos, have signed the collaboration agreement.