Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications and Management of ICTS La Salle Campus Barcelona

Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications + in Engineering in the Management of ICTs

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications.

Programmable ICs

In this subject an introduction to the microelectric design is made. Also the programmable structures in array (PLDs and FPGAs), the logic regular structures (ROM, PLA) and the MOS memories are studied. It also has a practical part of digital systems design with hardware high-level descriptor language (VHDL) and its implementation on FPGAs.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Basic and analogical electronics. Digital systems.


Students who do this subject achieve and develop the following knowledge and abilities:
1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
2. Basic general knowledge of the studied area.
3. Capacity to apply knowledge to practice.



1. Introduction to Microelectric Design.
1.1. MOS transistor as a switch.
1.2. CMOS basic doors.
1.3. The design process of an ASIC.
1.4. Kinds of ASICs.

2. Hardware Description Languages.
2.1. Necessity and historic introduction.
2.2. Top-Down design philosophy and automatic synthesis.
2.3. VHDL language.

2.4. Design of finite-state machines based in VHDL.

3. Regular Structures.
3.1. Introduction to regular logical structures.
3.2. Regular logical structures: ROM, PLA.
3.3. CMOS Memories.

4. Logical programmable devices.
4.1. Introduction to FPGAs.
4.2. Internal architecture of a FPGA.
4.3. Advanced techniques for design oriented to logical programmable devices.
4.4. SOPC: an Operative System in a Programmable Chip.
4.5. Advanced verification of digital systems.

Laboratory practices:

1. Design of digital systems in VHDL and verification of a development kit with FPGA.


The methodology used is based on theoretical lessons and laboratory sessions.

Theory lessons basically consist of theoretical explanations of the subject´s contents and resolving of problems related to these contents. The methodology used for this subject is the magisterial class with the active participation of the students. Magisterial classes are complemented with classes where practical problems are solved. These classes are meant to solve problems of the theory studied to the moment, whether if they are proposed by the professor as examples, or by the students as an in situ proposal to solve in class.

Every class is accompanied with a continuous evaluation process where the student has a proof that indicates him/her dedication to the subject. This means that students should study at home the content explained in class or answer some exercises proposed to be solved at home and then commented in class.

Practices are done outside class-hours, but regularly there are some sessions where students may solve all the doubts they might have. Obviously, students may use of the software to work for free.

All the students have specific hours where they will have the professor´s personalized attention to solve their doubts of the subject and clarify anything referring to the theoretical part, the problems or the practices.


A. Exams
C. Quizzes
D. Assignments done at home
G. Practical work with and without the computer
K. Laboratory reports

The subject has a theoretical and a practical part. Each one of them is evaluated separately and must be passed independently with a grade higher than 5. Once both parts are passed, the subject´s final grade is calculated:

Final_Grade = Theoretical_Grade*0,7 + Practical_Grade*0.3

Theory evaluation:

The theory´s grade (Theoretical_Grade) is calculated from the general evaluation system as the best of one of the followings:

a) Theoretical_Grade = Exam_Grade*0,7 + CE_Grade*0,4
b) Theoretical_Grade = Exam_Grade

CE_Grade is the grade of the continuous evaluation obtained along the semester form the exercises, works and quizzes done during the semester.

Practice evaluation:

To pass the practical part, it is necessary that the practice works correctly and that the report with the development process and the results is acceptable.

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1
Students must demonstrate that they have acquired the ability to analyze and synthesize design digital circuits [A, C, D, G, K]

Objective 2
Student must prove to have the basic knowledge related to the subject [A, C ]

Objective 3
Students must know how to resolve any problem posed in the field of digital systems design [A, G, K]

Objective 4
Students must have the capacity for organization in order to work and promote team work in system design and implementation [G, K]

Objective 5
Students must have the capacity to manage all the received information, in order to apply the knowledge acquired to the practical design and be able to solve any problem [G, K]

Objective 6
Students must have the capacity to apply the knowledge to the practices in a laboratory environment [G, K]

Basic Bibliography

[1] M.J.S.Smith, Application-Specific Integrated Circuits, Addison-Wesley, 1997.

[2] J.M.Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits: a Design Perspective, Prentice Hall, 1996.

[3] Z.Salcic, A.Smailagic, Digital Systems Design and Prototyping using Field Programmable Logic, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998.

Additional Material

[1] Enoch O. Hwang, Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL, Thomson.