The subject provides the fundamental concepts applicable to any kind of antenna, describes basic mathematical tools for analysis and syntheses of various radiating elements, and classifies the antennas applications.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

Foundations in electromagnetic radiation (plane waves, Pointing vector), microwaves circuits basic concepts (impedance matching, Smith Chart, ROE, reflection coefficient); foundations of mathematics (spherical coordinates, complex numbers, sum of geometric series).


The students of this subject acquire the knowledge and develop the abilities stated below:
1. Students get a solid knowledge so they will be able to solve complex problems related to antenna analysis and synthesis.
2. Students firmly consolidate general concepts about antennas which allow a deeper study of these themes and carrying out research works.
3. This subject´s approach helps the students to develop their learning and researching capacity.
4. Students will learn to use techniques and new design and synthesis tools for analyzing more exhaustively the behavior of these elements. Interpretation of the results obtained.
5. Students are aware of the latest trends in the design and synthesis of antennas (smart antennas, miniature antennas, fractal ...), which implies their need for lifelong learning in these subjects.
6. Knowledge of the measurement instrumentation required. This allows the future engineer to know what tools are needed to size up a laboratory in a company dedicated to the field of antenna design.


1. Definition and classification of antennas. State of the art.
2. Antenna parameters.
3. Linear antennas.
4. Antenna Arrays.
5. Apertures, reflectors and lenses.
6. Wideband antenna.


The student has:
- Book of the subject.
- Collection of exercises with answers.
- Educational programs.
- Scientific articles supplementary to the theory class.

If the student has questions, he can contact the teacher to arrange a meeting to solve this doubts, problems, propose exercises, etc.

Attended Format
Attended lectures where teachers use the blackboard and sometimes slides to illustrate some images that in the blackboard may be difficult to understand. Students have the course slides so they can take some notes on them. After each chapter, there is a 2 hour session for solving problems and questions. In certain situations simulators are used to analyze the behavior of the antennas when their characteristic parameters vary.

Blended format
The student will follow the classes through the subject´s book, and in case that it is necessary another reference book. The student may have an electronic copy of these bibliographic references.
The blended format has an available question forum where students may expose their doubts and the professor proposes some ways to solve them. In some cases, there is the possibility of doing some on-campus sessions (lecture classes) or virtual classes (a reduced group of students and the professor in an online class).

Students have the following responsibilities outside class hours:
1. Search for complementary documentation if they wish to have deeper knowledge about some aspects taught in class. Students may consult more information in the proposed bibliography or may ask the professor for more books according to their personal objectives.
2. Individual or group study. Use the notes and extra references for consolidation of the learnt knowledge.
3. Solve, individually or in group, the proposed problems. Students must try to solve them by themselves. In case the student finds difficulties in solving the problems he may ask the teacher for help. It should be pointed out that students may pose question showing where they have a problem and not simply saying the problem is difficult and they want the solution.
4. Attended format: study for the three tests for the continuous evaluation which are applied during class time. Also study for the subject´s official exam that is applied when the subject is finished. Partial exams consist in solving a problem related with the themes studied until that moment.
5. Blended format: Two exercises can be done per each quarter. These exercises can go from problem resolution to software simulation, coding or scientific paper readings.
6. Blended format: This subject has available different practices that emphasize in certain studied themes or some other completely new. These practices based in a simulator allow the students to design his antenna system, get results from the simulations and interpret the obtained values. In this way, the student is able to go into the topics that most interests him.


A. Exam
The exam consists in two parts:
1. Test (Usually of 20 questions).
2. Problem solving (usually 2 exercises).
3. Test + problem solving (usually 10 questions and 1 exercise).
Several points are evaluated: the way they solve the problem, the result and the interpretation of the result. Finally, the conclusions reached by the student are also taken into account.
Attended format: optional and individual resolution of partial exams.

D. Homework (blended format)
Optional exercises resolution. The evaluation will consider how students solve the problems (mathematical formalism), if they look for extra references, if they use additional tools as for example software tools, and finally the conclusion reached. The resolution is due in electronic format.

G. Software exercise (blended format)
Optional exercises resolution. These exercises can be computer programming and analysis of results with the developed code. Deliverables consist on a report as well as the code developed by the student.

Attended Format:
The subject´s final grade is the higher among the following:
- The official exam grade.
- A combined grade between the official exam (60%) and the continuous evaluation (40%). The continuous evaluation is only taken into account in case the exam´s grade is equal or higher than 3,5.
The student that failed the official exam (grade<5) must recover the subject by doing the extraordinary exam where the grade of the continuous evaluation doesn´t count.

Blended format:
If the student did not follow the continuous evaluation of the blended program, the final grade will be the official exam´s grade. The subject is passed if the exam´s grade equal or higher than 5 out of 10. If a student fails the official exam (grade <5) he must do recover the subject in the extraordinary exam.

If the student did follow the continuous evaluation of the blended program, the final grade is calculated as follows: max (40% of continuous evaluation + 60% of official exams, 100% official exam) (only of final grade of the official exam is higher than 3.5, if not, the grade is directly the official exam score). 40% of the continuous evaluation is divided as follows: 30% exercises + 10% participation in on-line forums. The other 60% is the average of the two official exams (February and June).

Evaluation Criteria

Objective 1:
- Students have to show good skills in solving problems related to antenna analysis and design. [A+D].
Objective 2:
- Students should be able to study more deeply any topic studied in the classes or a new one. [D+G].
Objective 3:
- Students should be proactive in finding extra references. [A+D+G].
Objective 4:
- Students should show his ability in simulating tools for antenna analysis and design. [G].
Objective 5:
- Students should show that they are able to continue their training in the latest state-of-the-art lines. [G].

Basic Bibliography

Lecture notes: Dr.Jaume Anguera and Antonio Pérez
Stutzman. Antenna Theory and Design. John Wiley & Sons

Additional Material

Constantine A. Balanis. Antenna Theory. Analysis and Design. John Wiley & Sons. 1997
John D. Kraus. Antennas For All Applications. Mc Graw Hill
Exercises (format PDF)
Semipresential Course Notes
Electronic and Interactive Antenna and Propagation Book made in Mathcad