In UX2, we will transform all user research analysis (UX I) into visible and tangible results, both on digital platforms and end products.
Type Subject
Previous Knowledge

It is recommended that the student has taken the User Experience 1 course


The learning results of this subject are:

RA.01 Ability to analyze a problem and design a solution. (GTIDC, GTAS)
RA.02 Be prepared to face subjects in English. (GTIDC, GTAS)
RA.03 Be able to organize and plan using the appropriate tools.
LO.04 Know how to work in a multidisciplinary team based on the assignment of a certain role. (GTIDC, GTAS)
LO.05 Use of a project methodology to enhance management efficiency.

GTIDC: Degree in Computer and Digital Interaction Techniques
GTAS: Degree in Software Application Techniques


This phase we will be based on the needs detected in UX I, to define how users should interact and experience the final product.

In the design process, final designs are useful to show stakeholders and get feedback from a quite accurate approximation of the final user interface taking into consideration page layouts, typography, styles, look & feel and visual conventions as well as micro-interactions and navigable prototypes.

Validation with users
To measure the understanding, perception and interaction of end-users with the system, we will conduct validation sessions with end-users of the platform. Without validation and feedback from users the solutions proposed might be theoretical competent but miss on solving relevant issues real users have when interacting with the platform. In this way, we evaluate the functionalities, usability and concept of the different pages.


The course will be taught for 2 hours a day, 2 days a week. Once you have laid the theoretical foundations, one of the two days will be dedicated to the theoretical classes and the other day will be focused on carrying out the practice.
This strategy intend that the knowledge acquired in the theory class can be put into practice in the practical class.
The following specifies how these methodologies will be developed over time:

D1. Theoretical classes
The theoretical classes will have a maximum duration of two hours, this duration being reduced if the teacher considers, in which case the teacher will use the rest of the time to solve exercises. During this class the teacher will explain the concepts and the student should try to understand the explanations that the teacher makes, they can intervene at any time if the explained concept is not entirely clear.
One week before the class the teacher will make available to the student all the content that he will explain. In this way all those students who want to can know what will be given to class and look at it before entering.

D2. Practical exercises
The practical exercises will complement the weekly hours that will be dedicated to the theoretical class. For this reason, its duration will range from one hour to two, as considered by the teacher.
These exercises will serve to progress correctly, and will be delivered before the next class to be evaluated by the teacher in a maximum period of one week.

D3. Practices
In the practical class the knowledge acquired in the theory class will be put into practice on a real project. To carry out the practice, the UserLab laboratory can be used, where the student will have two observation rooms and an EyeTracker device. However, the use of this will not be mandatory depending on the technique used, the student will be able to practice in other spaces.

D4. Expert Seminar
One day for a maximum of two hours there will be a presentation with experts from the sector who will discuss relevant concepts that the students have studied in class. At the end of the session, there will be an open questions time where students can ask their questions.

D5. Tutorships
During the laboratory practices the teachers will go through the different groups validating that the concepts that are applied are correct. In this way, teachers will get a better idea of how each project is evolving.

D6. Project-based learning
The practice will have a face-to-face duration of approximately two hours per week. These contact hours will represent between 25% to 50% of the practice. The remaining time must be invested by the student.
Each group must develop a project like in a real environment for which they must analyze both a product under construction and a product that is already finished to validate their user experience.
If the students do not finish a phase in the time they have (which will be the most common) they should finish it at home to not delay the project.

In the hours of non-attendance the student must study (review concepts) and complete the project so that they can be in the Personal Dossier.


E1 Exams 50%
E2 Exercises, problems and practices 20%
E3 Class participation 10%
E4 Dossier 20%

Evaluation Criteria

E1. Exams
The theoretical exams have two purposes, to follow all those contents that the student is learning on and the level of comprehension in English.
G4 – Knowledge of the English language
G6 - Have the ability to make decisions.
G12 - Be able to adapt to new situations.
E7 - Apply fundamentals of graphic design, usability and accessibility in the development of computer solutions that increase the degree of satisfaction and user experience.
Students who pass the first exam will be released from the part of the corresponding subject. If for any reason the examination of the checkpoint is not passed the student should be examined for all the subject in the final exam.
If the student does not pass the final exam, he / she will have another chance in July.

E2. Exercises, problems and practices
The purpose of the exercises is for the student to gradually acquire the knowledge and practice with the tools that he will put in practice. In order to be evaluated, students must deliver at least 80% of the exercises, taking into account that those not delivered will be scored with a zero. In case of not delivering 80% of the exercises, the final note will be Not Presented.
Like in the exams, the following competencies will be assessed:
G4 - Knowledge the English language
G6 - Have the ability to make decisions.
G12 - Be able to adapt to new situations.
E7 - Apply fundamentals of graphic design, usability and accessibility in the development of computer solutions that increase the degree of satisfaction and user experience.

E3. Participation of the student in class
During the theoretical classes, the teacher will evaluate if the student prepares the theoretical class and that he knows how to express himself n English.

E4. Dossier
Once the course has finished, the student can show, as proof of everything he has learned, with the Dossier of the project. For this reason it is important for the student to be aware that it must be finished and with a minimum of quality.
As with the exams, the following competencies will be assessed:
G4 - Know the English language
G6 - Have the ability to make decisions.
G12 - Be able to adapt to new situations.
E7 - Apply fundamentals of graphic design, usability and accessibility in the development of computer solutions that increase the degree of satisfaction and user experience.

Basic Bibliography

ABOUT FACE, Alan Cooper

Additional Material