The knowledge of all subjects from the studies. The student has to pass all the subjects in order to hand in his project.
Through the development of the TFM, it is planned that the students acquire the following knowledge and/or skills:
- The carrying out of a project with a practical component and/or research as individual work.
- To know how to analyze a specific problem in the area of IT and IT management, and to be able to propose appropriate solutions.
- Reinforce the knowledge acquired from the material covered during the Master.
- The use of a methodology and its development.
- To know how to use the techniques acquired together with the rest of the material.
- Acquire skills for presenting and publicly defending the TFM.
In the following points we detail the objectives of the TFM with respect to the instrumental, interpersonal and systemic competences:
1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis
2. Capacity for organisation and planning
3. Basic general knowledge. That is, the student will be able to demonstrate having assimilated a knowledge of the content which comprises the Master.
4. Grounding in basic knowledge of the profession
5. Oral and written communication in your native language
6. Information management skills (ability to retrieve and analyse information from different sources)
7. Knowledge in any educational specialization
8. Critical and self-critical abilities
9. Ethical commitment
10. Environmental sensibility
11. Capacity for applying knowledge in practice
12. Research skills
13. Capacity to learn
14. Capacity to adapt to new situations
15. Capacity for generating new ideas (creativity)
16. Ability to work autonomously
17. Project design and management
18. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
19. Concern for quality and continuing education
The content of the Masters Final Project will depend on the itinerary and/or the specialization that the student has following during the Masters course. The TFM can serve as another way of specialization in one of the knowledge areas, for obtaining a profile more practically orientated, or on the other hand more orientated towards research (or Doctorate).
The methodology used in the Masters Final Project is based on tutorials which are supervised by the lecturer. In these meetings, the lecturer guides the student in his development work. In this manner, a supervision is carried out for all the phases of the TFM. Once the project is completed the student prepares a Dissertation in which the project is described, including the design, implementation and results obtained. When the work is completed, it is presented before a tribunal which decides on the final qualification.
If the TFM is orientated towards research, it can be carried out in the context of one of the research groups of the School. If the lecturer who supervises the TFM is not a Masters lecturer, then the TFM will have to be co-directed by a Masters lecturer.
If the TFM is of the `professional´ type, it may be carried out within a company (there existing previously an agreement between the School and the Company). Once again, if the person from the company who supervises the TFM is not a Masters lecturer, then a co-director will be required who is a Masters lecturer.
This is carried out by a tribunal formed by a president and two members. The aspects which are taken into account in the evaluation are the following:
1.Organization and structure of the dissertation.
2.Content of the dissertation.
3.Presentation of the TFM. The duration of the presentation is limited to 30 minutes.
4.Theoretical presentation.
- Theoretical knowledge of the themes of the TFM.
- Clarity of the presentation.
- Capacity of synthesis.
- Clarity of the oral presentation.
- Appropriateness of the replies to the questions asked by the tribunal.
5. Practical presentation.
- Presentation of the development environment.
- Presentation of the results obtained in detail and with scientific rigour.
- Quality of the demonstration of the end product or results of the project.
Thus, different evaluation methods will be used:
E. Individual Documents (which will be the TFM Dissertation)
G. Practical exercises using PC (if the TFM has a practical component)
I. Presentations (the defense before the tribunal).
The board of examiners use four avaluation criterion that are:
1.- Report development.
- Form and contents. (Abstrat, Introduction, Table of contents, report main body, results, conclusions and future trends, bibliography).
- Report quality or correction.
2.- Project presentation.
- Oral explanation distribution (30 minuts).
- Theoretical context of subjects developed in the project.
- Project workload.
- Conclusions and future trends.
- Practical development or research results.
- Quality of oral explanation.
- Material quality used in the project.
- Presentation quality.
3. Theoretical aspects.
- Knowledge of formalisms used in the project.
- Application and/or utilization of formalisms.
- Project adjust into a theoretical environment.
- Theoretical development.
- Subject interest.
4.- Practical aspects
If there is a project developed in a practical environment:
Functional study, dessign and methodology
Implemetation, quality and results validation.
Economical study.
User manual.
Immediate application.
If there is a research project:
State of art study
Novel ideas or subject
Creative and original ideas
New contributions
Project application
Therefore, the objectives will be evaluated based on the dissertation, the defense and the practical part (if relevant), in the following manner:
Goal 1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis [E, I]
Goal 2. Capacity for organisation and planning [E, I]
Goal 3. Basic general knowledge. That is, the student will be able to demonstrate having assimilated a knowledge of the content which comprises the Master. [E, I]
Goal 4. Grounding in basic knowledge of the profession [E, I]
Goal 5. Oral and written communication in your native language [E, I]
Goal 6. Information management skills (ability to retrieve and analyse information from different sources) [E, I]
Goal 7. Knowledge in any educational specialization [E, I]
Goal 8. Critical and self-critical abilities [E, I]
Goal 9. Ethical commitment [E, I]
Goal 10. Environmental sensibility [E, I]
Goal 11. Capacity for applying knowledge in practice [E, G, I]
Goal 12. Research skills (if the TFM has a research component) [E, I]
Goal 13. Capacity to learn [E, I]
Goal 14. Capacity to adapt to new situations [E, I]
Goal 15. Capacity for generating new ideas (creativity) [E, I]
Goal 16. Ability to work autonomously [E, I]
Goal 17.Project design and management [E, I]
Goal 18. Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit [E, I]
Goal 19. Concern for quality and continuing education [E, I]
[1] Secretaria Acadèmica La Salle, e-campus, Serveis/Secretaria, Instruccions pel TFM Enginyeria.
[2] Secretaria Acadèmica La Salle, e-campus, Serveis/Secretaria, Model per a fer una bibliografia en el TFC/PFC/TFM.
[3] Secretaria Acadèmica La Salle, e-campus, Serveis/Secretaria, Portades TFM.