Hold a Bachelor in Architecture or in Building Engineering.
Provide new tools, instruments and resources for the project´s architectural analysis so that students may use them in their research about specific themes of Project and Technology.
Introduce the student into the research of architectural projects.
This course is aimed at the analysis of modern Mediterranean building works. In each course´s subject, new study cases are proposed according to the research work that is being developed by the research group iam with the objective that students participate in the group´s activities.
The subject is organized through lectures given by La Salle professors or expert guests about the different study cases. After the presentations there is a space to think and discuss the presented building works or the text about them. There are also some theoretical classes aimed to introduce the student to the subject.
After that, different episodes of the modern movements are studied as well as some local or foreign authors. Last sessions are intent to approach the cultural Mediterranean context.
The evaluation depends of the competences of each subject.
The evaluation is continuous and includes a personal monitoring of each student and group presentations which should generate discussion and participation among students.
Gastón Cristina y Teresa Rovira. Pautas de investigación, 1era ed. Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2007.
Rovira Teresa (coord.) Documentos de Arquitectura Moderna en América Latina 1950-1965, 1era ed. Barcelona: Institut Català de Cooperació Iberoamericana, 2005.
Centellas Miguel et al. La vivienda moderna, 1925-1965 Registro. Docomomo Iberico. 1era ed. Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, 2009.
García-Quiñones Belen (coord.) AC Publicaciones del GATEPAC, 1era ed. Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, 2005.
`Erwin Broner 1898-1971´, Mallorca: D'A Revista de Arquitectura Monográfico 11-12, COAIB (1994).
Folch Carles, J.A. Coderch de Sentmenat, 1913-1984, 1era ed. Barcerlona: Gustavo Gili, 1989.
Kliczkowski Guillermo (coord.) Antonio Bonet, 1era ed. Buenos Aires: Espacio Editora, 1985.
Abalos Iñaki et al. Alejandro de la Sota, 1era ed. Barcelona: Fundación Caja de Arquitectos, 2009.
Dimitri Konstatinidis (ed.)Projects + Buildings Ais Konstantinidis, Athens: Agra Publications, 1992.