Financing entity
Departament de Cultura
Saturday, 1 April, 2023 to Friday, 30 June, 2023
Head of project
Jorge Egea
Research Group
Project type

A team of teachers from the Digital Arts degree at La Salle-URL proposes a perspective of social improvement from this workshop with the idea of ​​training a group of young people (all of them inmigrants, from the 'Rius i Taulet Adult Training Center ' in Barcelona) in an area that is very attractive to them and very important in current training, such as digital art. They would have difficult Access to this training both because of the cost and because of the academic background required by students of university degrees. 


We use art not only acquire knowledge, but also express hidden ideas and emotions, configuring a final exhibition created by them, also achieving the cathartic effect of the artistic practice. We use the traditional and digital collage, and the 2.5D space to create symbolic characters where the participants materialize their likes and phobias. We incorporate technology and software (classrooms and licenses from the La Salle Campus -URL) but also free software to facilitate access to technology. 


Starting from drawings and images, the participants create allegorical characters from the assemblage of images. The results are shaped as digital works, creating a gallery of characters (positive or negative) that are the fruits of their thoughts. 

With this material we produce a real exhibition (Exhibition Hall at the Joan Maragall Library) with screens and explanatory panels, so that the participants become the protagonists of this proposal. 

The program is completed with the participation of university students of the degree as mentors of the participants in the workshop.