Titular Professors
After choosing some of the projects carried out by some students in the previous years, we will use them as reference in this course to approach a planning for each of the following agents´ necessities:
- Real Estate development company - Particular client.
- Architects´ office.
- Property developer.
As we will see, in order to complete the project, each member-of-the-process´ requirements must be satisfied.
For this course, we have chosen three of them, however, we should remember that they are not the only ones (public administration, energy-supplier companies, communications, insurer, etc.). We will also talk about them but with fewer details.
Actually, this is about anticipating real and daily situations which students will have to deal with when they finish school and start working. Each student has his/her own particular conditionings that will lead him/her to integrate to one of these agents mentioned before. For this reason, we consider especially useful for students that know how they work and that they start using some of their common tools such as planning and their management.
The objectives will be:
- Knowledge of the three chosen agents, in an enterprise level, and of the tools and habitual methods to plan and manage those enterprises.
- Planning and manage each one of the three agents from the beginning to the definitive construction of the selected projects for this course.
NOTE: because it is an academic exercise, we establish a starting hypothesis that permits the viability and execution of the projects.
1. General introduction
2. Legal partnership relation and organization of the chosen agents:
Real Estate development company - Particular client.
Architects´ office.
Property developer.
3. Planning and managing tools and methods.
3.1 ISO 9001:2000 regulation.
3.2 Real State Company valuation.
3.2.1 Cost Method.
3.2.2 Comparison Method.
3.2.3 Capitalization Method.
3.2.4 Residual Method.
3.2.5 Exercise´s comments and applications to the course´s projects.
3.3 Accounting.
3.3.1 Balance and results account.
3.3.2 Liquidity and NOF.
3.3.3 Balance point and leverage.
3.3.4 Ratios.
3.3.5 Investments. Assessment and planning methods: VAN and TIR in the project´s arrangement.
3.3.6 Financing instruments: leasing, factoring, credit policies, mortgages, etc.
3.4 Specific planning.
3.4.1 Architecture project planning.
3.4.2 Building work planning.
4. Marketing planning.
4.1 Market research.
4.2 Sales budget.
5. Company´s integral plan.
5.1 Treasury´s plan: cash flow.
5.2 Cost center budgets.
5.3 General plan.
The final grade for this subject is the 80% of the individual grade plus el 20% of the group grade.
The evaluations will be a combination of:
Written exams (each three months).
Participation in class (weekly attendance).
Homework (each week).
Presentations (handed in on time).
Presto www.rib-software.es. "Presto Budgets and Measurements, Planning, Cost-It, QMASS Security and Health, QMASS Quality Control, QMASS Environmental Management and Project Management.
Microsoft Project. www.microsoft.es Planning.
Microsoft Visio. www.microsoft.es Organization.
Smart Draw. www.smartdraw.com Organization.
Andersen, A. Manual de Dirección Financiera. Aranzadi.
Arroyo, A. M.; Prat, M. Cien ejercicios resueltos de Dirección Financiera. Deusto.
Arroyo, J.; Corona, E.; Delgado, A. Plan de Contabilidad para Empresas Constructoras. Lex Nova.
Burstein, D.; Stasiowski, F. Project Managment. Manual de gestión de proyectos para arquitectos, ingenieros e interioristas. Gustavo Gili.
Derecho de Sociedades (vol. I i II). Aranzadi-Mercantil.
Faus, J.; Tàpies, J. Finanzas Operativas. IESE.
Fernández Pirla, S. Valoraciones administrativas y de mercado del suelo y las construcciones. Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos.
Ordóñez, J. L. Planificación de Obras. CEAC.
Pereira, F.; Ballarín, E.; Rosanes, J.; Vázquez-Dodero, J. C. Contabilidad para Dirección. Universidad de Navarra.
Plan General de Contabilidad. McGraw Hill.
Preciado Barrera, C. Oficina Técnica. Teoría y Tecnología del Proyecto. Manuales UNEX núm. 16. Universidad de Extremadura.
Pregel, G.; Suñol, R.; Nueno, P. Instrumentos financieros al servicio de la empresa. Deusto.
Senlle, A.; Stoll, G. A. ISO 9000. Gestión 2000.
Silvan Martínez, L. J. Manual Práctico de Promociones Inmobiliarias y Tasaciones de Mercado. Munilla - Lería.
Tamales, R.; Gallego, S. Diccionario de Economía y Finanzas. Alianza.
Termes, R. Inversión y Coste de Capital. McGraw Hill.
Eduardo Martinez Abascal. Finanzas para Directivos. Ed. Mc. Graw Hill.
Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad para Arquitectos. Directrices para la aplicación de la Norma UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000. Aenor Ediciones.
Verónica García Fronti; Julian Salvarredy; Javier García Fonti. Project management. Con Microsoft Visio y Microsoft Project (incluye cd). Omicrom.
RIB Spain (PRESTO) and La Salle Campus Barcelona work collaboratively through a training licensing agreement.