Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications and Management of ICTS La Salle Campus Barcelona

Double Degree in Electronic Systems Engineering in Communications + in Engineering in the Management of ICTs

La Salle Campus Barcelona offers 5 double degrees in the ICT Engineering field. With the double degrees, you can finish the university studies in 5 academic years with two official degree qualifications.

Organizational Management

An introduction to the business world in order to equip students with a basci grounding on company Organization. The concepts of strategy is to understand the different aspects that we must consider in the company's strategy to achieve the objectives set by the stakeholders. From Management skills is to strengthen communication and leadership skills in order to work effectively in today’s global business environment.
Type Subject
Tercer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

- Business Strategy
To understand the different aspects that we must consider in the company's strategy to achieve the objectives set by the stakeholders.
- Management skills
To strengthen communication and leadership skills in order to work effectively in today’s global business environment.


- Organizational Management is divided in two blocks:

- Business strategies
o What is strategy. Definition and analysis of business strategy. Vision, Mission and values
o Analysis of external factors that can affect the company's strategy
o Analysis of the internal factors that can affect the company's strategy
o Business model: CANVAS business model and innovation in business models
o Levels of strategy: corporate, competitive and functional

- Management skills
o Introduction to process management
o Key elements of effective presentations
o Practice of presentation skills
o Advantages of teamwork and characteristics of successful teams
o Defining and knowing how to facilitate intercultural communication
o Intercultural communication and its role in the global marketplace
o Self-reflection and learning styles


The course is divided into 2 main blocks (Strategy Management and Management skills) and each block has its respective classes in which the theoretical content is taught and then put into practice in some of the group sessions. A detailed description of how the subject is assessed is provided below.
The classes are taught by professors who are fully integrated in the business world which enables them to complement the theoretical content with real-life cases from their own experiences.


The duration of the course is one semestre. Students are evaluated according to the following criteria:
The subject is divided into TWO separate blocks:

Block A: Strategy and Canvas
Block B: Management skills

Each block has a múltiple choice theory test, group assignments and written exam

Students must pass each block separately with a mark or 5.0 or above.

The mark of each block is calculated as follows:

Block A1 grade = 60% Group grade + 40% Individual grade
Group Work = Group grade
Examination grade = Individual grade
1 Both the Group Note and the Individual Note must be greater than or equal to 5.

The grade in Block B1 is calculated as follows:
Block B grade = 60% Participation Grade + 40% Examination Grade
1 Both the Participation grade and the Examination Grade must be greater than or equal to 5.

The Final grade of the OM part is calculated:


Note_Blocks (A) (B)> 5

Final grade = 50% Block A Note + 50% Block B Note

If not, them:

Final grade = 3

If the Student does not pass one of the blocks, s/he can take the exam again in the re-take session. In this case, the final mark will be the mark of the exam taken in the re-take session. Each block can be re-taken separately.

Evaluation Criteria

- Attendance is obligatory
- If the Student fails to submit coursework, this will be considered as an absence.


Students are reminded that they are only eligible to enroll on the next re-take session if they are repeating the subject in question and if they have no more than two subjects plus the Final project to complete their Ordinary or Honours Engineering degree.
The re-take session is an extraordinary exam session for subjects which the student did not pass the previous year. Therefore, the course contents must correspond to those of the subject which the student actually took the previous academic year.

- Firstly, if the student intends to sit the re-take, s/he must inform the subject coordinator once s/he has enrolled on the course (before ecah semester).
- Secondly, the student must attend a short interview in order to clarify and her/his corrent acadèmic situation and the reasons why s/he is re-taking (degree, subjects pending, etc.).

In the event of a student wishing to sit the re-take of Organizational Management, s/he must be fully aware that s/he will have to accept the evaluation criteria and marking system described above, and that no exceptions will be made.

Basic Bibliography
Additional Material