Gonçal Costa Jutglar

Gonçal Costa Jutglar
Architecture Representation Computation
Department of Architecture

Gonçal Costa is currently a researcher and professor at La Salle - Ramon Llull University. Graduated in Industrial Electronics from Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià (EUSS), Multimedia, and Computer Science from Ramon Llull University. PhD in Computer Engineering from Ramon Llull University, Master in ICT Research, Master in ICT Management, and EMBA from the EAE Business School. Member of the ARC Research Group (Computer Representation Architecture) since 2000.
His areas of research include data science, knowledge-based systems, especially applied to the field of architecture and energy efficiency information systems, as well as data representation through the semantic Web technologies: creation of ontologies, semantic processes of data integration, and exploitation of semantic data. He has participated as a researcher in several national and european projects such as the BARCODE HOUSING SYSTEM, OPTIMUS, OPTEEMAL and TIMEPAC.


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