The subject Software Methodology aims to train students in the development of software projects, going through the most important phases of design. It is trying to put into practice also the knowledge and skills that are obtained in the subject of "Object Oriented Programming". All the acquired knowledge is put into practice in a practice that is elaborated during the whole course. In the end, this work forms a software project. During the course you will combine theoretical and practical sessions on how to complete the course. We have specially mentioned the own project management, the quality of the software and its modelling. We will reinforce the management knowledge with the incorporation of the specific techniques of AGILE. The work is carried out in groups, most of the cases, thanks to this we encourage the improvement of the competences linked to the collaborative work.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Application development officer
Previous Knowledge

Learning Outcomes of this subject are:
RA.01 It provides the necessary knowledge about analysis, design and implementation of object oriented systems.
RA.02 To have knowledge about the legal aspects related to information management.
RA.03 To have the capacity to model and implement information systems.
AGILE. To introduce the basic concepts of the AGILS methods


• Introduction to the software methodology.
• Specification and analysis of requirements according to standards.
• Object-oriented analysis: static and dynamic model.
• Object-oriented design: subsystems and layers.
• Use case diagram, class diagram, deployment diagram, activity diagram, sequence or collaboration diagram, package diagram, tests.


D1. Theoretical classes
Exposure of theoretical concepts by the teacher with the aim that the student gets to know them. The teacher can provide materials and the student can take notes and/or complete support materials. The student can intervene by answering questions and/or giving answers to the questions formulated by the teacher.
D2. Types of problems and exercises
Problem solving and/or decision making in the case of imprisoned knowledge. The teacher may invite the students to participate in the class in order to assess the acquisition and/or interpretation of the concepts presented.
D6. Tutorial
Orientation, attention and/or personalized evaluation with a student or group. This is a teaching practice that is usually obligatory for students who follow an apprenticeship program and/or that is a complement to the work done in the classroom.


Final Note = 47.5% * (Foundation B.) + 47.5% * (Agile B.) + 5% (Portfolio)
Note_ The attendance is mandatory for 80% of the sessions of the subject.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Ingeniería del Software – Ian Sommerville – Pearson (Addison Wesley)
Análisis y diseño orientado a objetos de sistemes – Usando UML – Simon Bennett, Steve McRobb y Ray Farmer – Mc Graw Hill
UML y Patrones – Craig Larman – Prentice Hall
Learning UML – A pramatic Introduction to UML – O’REILLY – Russ Miles & Kim Hamilton
Ingeniería del Software – Roger S.Pressman - Mc Graw Hill

Scrum Guide - - Resumen corto de Scrum
The Scrum Primer – Introduction to Scrum
Scrum y XP desde las trinxeras - Henrik Kniberg
Who uses Scrum:
Kanban y Scrum obteniendo lo mejor de ambos:
Kanban Successful Evolutionary Change for Technology Organizations. David J. Anderson:
10 Kanban board and their context :
Kanban Case studies:
Lean Primer
Lean From the Trenches
Spotify Engineering Culture

Additional Material