Hold a Bachelor in Architecture or in Building Engineering.
The objective is that students, who usually have lots of doubts when doing their first research, learn and apply the methodological directions and tools in their own research.
The course is divided in different units. The first one consists in learning the basic methodological directions for researching in architecture and urbanism. During classes, lecturers will explain their approach methods by means of their own researching experience.
The second unit is meant to provide students with working tools such as: academic writing, how to write quotes, notes, bibliographic references and drawing representations. Finally, students learn to write articles for magazines as the first step to publish the results of their research.
This course combines theoretical and practical classes. In the theoretical classes, directions and approach methods for researches about architecture and urbanism are explained. In the practical classes, students must integrate the acquired knowledge in their research work.
The evaluation depends on the competences of each subject.
The evaluation of the subject is continuous. Beside the different and periodical presentations of the students in front of their classmates, they will also have to do a final work to deepen in the analysis of the course´s objective.
Eco, Umberto. Cómo se hace una tesis. Técnicas y procedimientos de estudio, investigación y escritura. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2001.
Foqué, Richard. Building Knowledge in Architecture. 1ª ed. University Press Antwerp, 2010.
Gastón, Cristina y Teresa Rovira. El proyecto moderno. Pautas de investigación. 1ª. ed.
Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2007.
Groat, Linda y David Wang: Architectural Research Methods.1ª ed. Estados Unidos: John Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Laurel, Brenda. Design Research: Methods and Perspectives. 1ª ed. Cambridge: MIT Press,
Martínez Sousa, J. Manual de estilo de la lengua española. 2ª ed. Gijón: Ediciones Trea, 2001.
Real Academia de la Lengua Española et al. Diccionario de uso del español. Madrid: Espasa‐Calpe, 1999.