Titular Professors
Global Construction knowledge.
3. Competences that the subject wants to contribute to develop:
Instrumental competences (IS):
- IS1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis
- IS2. Ability to organize and plan
- IS7. Basic skills in the use of the computer
- IS9. Problem resolution
- IS10. Decision making
Interpersonal competences (IT):
- IT2. Teamwork
Systemic competences (CS):
- CS1.Ability to apply knowledge in practice
- CS8. Ability to work autonomously
- CS9. Design and project management
- CS11. Concern for quality and continuous improvement
Specific competences:
A-32 Assessment of works
B-31 Methods and assessment
4. Learning objectives of the subject:
- Ability to transpose any project into units and language of listing of measurements and budget.
- The student must complete at least two complete measurements of two projects during the course.
- Know the operation and methodology to measure and budget any unit, either standard or specific, to execute in a work.
- Be able to incorporate into the descriptions all the technical specifications necessary to configure complete items and that contribute coherence to the budget.
- Know the tangential elements that imply the budget of a work:
o Decomposed prices
o Auxiliary means
o Direct and indirect costs
o General expenses and industrial profit
or Taxes
- Transcend the project phase, working budget management during the course of the work
o Contradictory prices
o Application of public or private contracts
5. Thematic blocks in which the contents of the subject are organized:
1. General introduction.
2. Study of the Project. Project documents
3. The budget. Documents that compose it.
4. Measurements. Tools and methodology Measurement criteria.
5. Pre-assessments
6. Costs Labor, materials and machinery. Returns
7. Direct, auxiliary and indirect costs.
8. General business expenses, contract expenses, industrial benefit, taxes and final cost.
9. Comparative of budgets. ABC Analysis. Forms of adjudication.
10. Forms of invoicing. Certifications, administration, turnkey.
11. Contradictory prices. Additional and reformed budget. Prices' check.
12. Provisional and definitive reception of the work. Settlement. Administrative and legal effects.
13. Planning valued. Decision calendar. Penalties for delay.
Computer application:
-The Project phase consists of carrying out the economic study of the work units, the safety study and quality control, as well as the temporary planning of the work.
-The follow-up phase consists of carrying out the economic monitoring of the work, safety and health and quality control.
1. Measurements and Budgets
- Review of the preparation of a budget in a single day
2. Planning
- Carry out the planning for the year that the budget was made. Creation of tasks from budget items. Assignment of durations. Assignment of links Different types of links. Study of the result. Study of the critical path and clearances.
- Economic allocation of budget items to planning tasks. Provision of certifications.
3. Health and Safety
- Preparation of the Health and Safety Study. Perform the risk assessment of the work according to the budget you have made and apply the corresponding protection systems. Structure. Review of the data given by the program and interpret them. Preparation of the budget. Preparation of memory and specifications. Assignment of graphics. Maintenance of the price bank.
4. Quality Control
- Quality Control Program. Carry out the tests and their frequencies, based on the budget that has been made. Structure. . Review of the data given by the program and interpret them. Preparation of the budget. Obtaining data. Maintenance of the price bank.
1. Economic follow-up of the work
- The economic monitoring of the work and temporary monitoring of the work, will be carried out in parallel. Therefore budget items will be certified economically and related planning tasks. They will explain at the same time how economic certifications are made, and how the planning is followed up.
- Certification in Origin. Monthly Certification. Creation of certifications. Input of data for measurements, by amounts or by percentage. Obtaining listings. Control of deviations of measurements for public works. Contradictory
2. Temporary monitoring of the work
- Introduction of the real dates of execution of the tasks. Review of the planning as it is being executed. Expected dates, Actual Dates, Current Dates. Reading the Gantt Chart
3. Monitoring of the safety and health of the work
- Preparation of the Safety Plan. Obtaining data.
4. Quality Control
- Enter tracking data manually. Update the data entered in the economic follow-up. Assign specifications. Check the amount of certified work
1. Measurements and Budgets
- Structure of a budget. Codification of the chapters, of the games, and the simple ones. Creation of justified items, lump-sum price, or creation of items from sub-items.
- Detailed measurements entered manually. Introduced through a CAD file.
- Specification of conditions.
- Different prices that intervene in a budget. How to calculate them: Direct Cost. Indirect Cost, General Expenses, Auxiliary Expenses and Industrial Benefits.
- Obtaining the listings.
- Price review.
2. Economic follow-up of the work
o How to certify with Presto. Detailed measurements, total and by percentage.
or Print
or contradictory
6. Methodological approach of teaching and learning to achieve the objectives:
- Initial presentation of the theory through REDUCED PowerPoint during class:
or previously, the student will have the full PowerPoint of the theory of the corresponding class, posted on the Moodle network.
- Development of a practical case centered on the exposed theory, in a group of 2 students, to finalize and deliver before the end of the same class
o Previously, the student will have the written and graphic information of the exercise to be developed, posted on the Moodle network.
No presential.
- Development of a complete exercise consisting of making measurements and budget of a complete building
- The exercise can be developed by chapters very similar to those previously made in class, so that the student can develop the learning previously practiced in class.
- Tracing
or tutelado: the student will have part of the time of class practices to consult questions about the project that is measured gradually
or not protected: the work will be delivered at the end of the quarter for correction.
Computer application:
Classes will be theoretical-practical in classrooms equipped with computers for students to perform individual and group exercises.
The subject will be divided into the different blocks mentioned above, and the teaching of all these blocks will use a practice, which students must perform, to acquire the knowledge of each subject.
In each of the modules that will be exhibited there will be a first theoretical part, which will mean 20% of the time devoted to the subject, 60% of explanation of the subject with a practical case and using the corresponding computer tool, and it is left a 20% of exercise that can be individual or in group.
The knowledge of each one of the blocks will be acquired in the computer application that is used at this moment, and the other computer programs that are in the market.
The students, therefore, acquire the theoretical knowledge of each block, the computer application will be carried out in a practice that will be used to explain the whole subject, in this way, obtaining at the end an economic and temporal evaluation of a work as well as its subsequent follow-up.
Contents in ECTS credits:
Total contact hours: 30%, 0.9 cr. ECTS, divided into:
Expository class hours: (B) 45% (0.4 ECTS)
Practice class hours: (A-IS-IT) 55% (0.5 ECTS)
Total hours of work of the student: 70%, 2.1 cr. ECTS, divided into:
Tutored work: (A-IS-IT) 30% (0.6 ECTS)
Non-supervised work: (A-CS-IT) 70% (1.5 ECTS)
Dedication to the subject 3 credits at 26 hours / credit = 78 hours
Semi-annual dedication 15 weeks (21.4 lectivas + 2 of exam)
Semestral dedication 78 hours / 15 weeks = 5.20 hours / week
CONCEPTE Total hours
Exhibition classes 15
Practical classes 30
Individual study 26
Total hours dedicated to the margin of the exams 71
Exam preparation hours 5
Exam hours 2
7. Evaluation of the level of achievement of the objectives:
Practical exercises to class: 10% (mandatory, minimum 80% of deliveries)
Midterm Exam: 20% (mandatory)
Global practice exercise: 30% (mandatory delivery, 80% content, 20% software)
End of semester exam: 40% (mandatory)
- It must be overcome with a minimum score of 4 out of 10 any of the sections
- The lack of delivery of the global exercise or the lack of attendance to class will imply a NP (not presented) and the non-validation of the global mark
8. Sources of basic information. Bibliography:
`Visual diccionari de la construcció'. Dep. Polit. Ter. i O.P. Gen. Catalunya.
`Manual for the direction of works. Faustino Merchán'. Editorial CIE.
`Metal structures booklet '. CEDEX. Ministry of Development.
Law 30/2007 of October 30 of Contracts of the Public Sector.
Law 35/1999 of November 5, on Building Regulation.
Periodic publications of updated prices:
EME DOS www.emedos.es
Economic bulletin of the construction.
ITEC. Reference prices. www.itec.es
Memphis. www.prosoft.es. Measurements, budgets and control of works.
Gest. www.artek.com Budgets, certifications and specifications.
GestCon. Control of construction costs.
Presto www.rib-software.es. "Presto Budgets and Measurements, Planning, Cost-It, QMASS Security and Health, QMASS Quality Control, QMASS Environmental Management and Project Management.
Presto Control. Construction control for builders.
Microsoft Project. www.microsoft.es Planning.
Microsoft Visio. www.microsoft.es Organization.
Smart Draw. www.smartdraw.com Organization.
Preparation of economic studies of works
Author: Juan Alburquerque Garcia
Published by Center d'estudis de la construció CEDESCO
Work budgeting
Author: Antonio Ramirez de arellano Agudo
Editorial: Publications of the University of University Manuals
Measurements and budgets
Author: Fernando Valderrama
Publisher: Reverté
Monitoring of planning and cost control on construction sites
Author: Antonio ramirez de arellano Agudo
Editorial: Cultural Foundation of the School of Surveyors and Technical Architects of Seville
Control of construction costs
Author: Manuel Sanchez
Published by CEAC
Recommendation on measurement criteria in construction
Spanish Association of Professors of Measurements, Budgets and Valuations
General council of technical architecture in Spain
Royal Decree 3650/1970 of 19 December approving the table of general formulas for the revision of the prices of the works contracts of the state and autonomous bodies for
Royal decree / 2007 contract law of the state for public administrations
Royal Decree 1627/97 laying down minimum health and safety regulations for construction works.
Decret 375/1988, Decree 1, on quality control of the building
TCQ Manual el.laborat i editat per ITEC
Maunal Presto 2016
Author: Aida Machado
Publisher: Anaya
Manual Menfis el.laborat i editat per per Professional Software.
Pàgines Web: www.fiebdc.org, www.itec.cat, www.preoc.es, www.idescat.cat, www.acae.es, www.five.es, www.rib-software.es and www.cnc.es , www.coaatgu.com, generadordeprecios.info.
RIB Spain (PRESTO) and La Salle Campus Barcelona work collaboratively through a training licensing agreement.