Degree in Management of Business and Technology La Salle Campus Barcelona

Degree in Management of Business and Technology

Internationality, technology, innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, values, and both people and team management are the keys to define this degree. Includes international stages.

International digital marketing

This course is an introduction to international digital marketing and provides an exciting intersection between theory, cases and a real-life business environment. It covers basic theories of digital, social media, email and affiliate marketing and explores current digital marketing trends. Successful digital businesses vary with respect to their target audiences and approach to selling products and services. Students will explore several contemporary cases of digital marketing successes (both in purely online businesses, and digital aspects of brick and mortar businesses), analyze factors that affect international digital marketing success and create their own digital marketing plan. As a final course project, students will work on project teams to address an international digital business challenge for a real client.
Type Subject

Titular Professors

Previous Knowledge

1. Gain a broad understanding of digital marketing topics and their importance to business success
2. Identify contemporary issues and trends in international digital marketing
3. Recognize successful digital marketing strategies and apply them to a real business case in an international context
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
1. Understand and explain digital marketing strategies and trends
2. Analyze online, digital and social media marketing business cases in detail to understand strategies of successful (and failed) digital businesses
3. Create a digital marketing plan using knowledge gained in the course
4. Demonstrate research, teamwork and oral presentation skills
5. Demonstrate both critical thinking and generative learning (the integration of new ideas with existing knowledge) in their work


Topic 1: Introduction & Team Building Skills+ Digital Marketing
Topic 2: Content Marketing Strategy
Topic 3: Writing for Digital
Topic 4: Affiliate Marketing
Topic 5: Email Marketing
Topic 6: SEO
Topic 7: Social Media Channels & Social Media Strategy Textbook


This course follows a theoretical + practical approach to learning. While there is a lecture component, this course involves substantial class participation and discussion about contemporary digital and online marketing cases. We will do practical case studies in class.
Students are expected to take a proactive approach to their own learning, be fully prepared for each class and keep on top of class material added on eStudy.
Students are responsible for:
1. Understanding the requirements of each assignment, which will be detailed in appropriate Assignment Sheets posted on eStudy, and competing them on time.
2. Attending class and actively participating. Mobile phones are banned in class, and students using them will be asked to leave. Laptops are permitted, as long as they are used in a responsible, on-task manner.
3. Managing their own learning. Students should contact the professor for an appointment if they are having difficulty understanding an assignment or concept.


Your final grade consists of three parts, which are all project based. There is no midterm or final exam in this course, so your mark depends on your participation and group work.
1) Class Participation 35% - Weekly Attendance & Participation
- Personal Reflection on Guest Speakers (15%) - A journal (one page per guest speaker) to be kept throughout the course and handed in one week after each guest speaker
- Class Participation (20%). Participation is not the same as attendance! If you come to class, but do not actively participate, you will not receive a passing mark for participation. This mark is based solely on the professor's assessment.
2) Midterm Assignment 25% - Group Project: Digital Marketing Plan - Using Digital Marketing To Make The World A Better Place. Note: Full assignment description and grading rubric will be available on eStudy). Late assignments will be penalized 10% per day.
3) Final Written Project and Presentation to Business Owner 40%
This will be a real-world project in which the class (divided in project teams) will work on a digital maketing project for an international client. The client will provide the business challenge, and teams will need to apply digital marketing strategies to develop feasible recommendations (backed by credible sources!).
RETAKE POLICY: Students who fail the course will need to do the re-take, as outlined below. A maximum grade of 5 can be awarded.
70% Final Project or written case study (to be determined by professor).
30% Class Mark - Midterm Assignment (new topic) to be re-submitted.

Evaluation Criteria
Basic Bibliography

Students will be provided with required reading such as cases, all of which will be posted on the eStudy platform.
We recommend that you supplement the course notes with the following textbook:

eMarketing: The Essential Guide to Marketing in a Digital World.

While reading the textbook is optional, it may provide you with useful background information. It is available for free here:

Additional Material