Marc Arnela Coll

Marc Arnela Coll
Sant Jaume Hilari
C. Quatre Camins 30, 08022, Barcelona
Research Group on Media Technologies
Department of Engineering
Research Group

Dr. Marc Arnela is a researcher and a lecturer on acoustics within the GTM (Grup de recerca en Tecnologies Mèdia), at the department of engineering of La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull (URL), in Barcelona. He is in charge of the Acoustics Lab of La Salle-URL. He holds a five year degree in telecommunications engineering, with a specialization on image and sound (2009), a MSc in networks and telecommunications engineering (2010), and a PhD in acoustic engineering (2015), all earned at La Salle-URL. He also has a professional degree in music education, specializing in piano (2009), from the conservatori municipal de música de Barcelona. His main research interests include the numerical simulation of the human voice, the design and experimental testing of parametric acoustic arrays (loudspeakers made of ultrasound transducers), the acoustic black hole effect applied to ducts and plates, and the acoustics of small rooms. He has participated in different R&D projects and published several articles in first rank international scientific journals and conferences. He is teaching calculus and experimental acoustics courses.



Among noise sources, maritime traffic is of relevance on animal wellness, although its impact is little known in many European sea-basins...

In this project, we aim at the computational generation of expressive voice by following a hybrid approach. We will skip the inherent lim...


Marc Freixes, Marc Arnela, Joan Claudi Socoró, Francesc Alías, Oriol Guasch
Applied Sciences - October 2019
Marc Freixes, Marc Arnela, Francesc Alías, Joan Claudi Socoró
- September 2019