Albert Almajano Serra
Alberto Almajano is an associate professor in the Business Engineering School La Salle (BES), Universitat Ramon Llull since 2008. He is CIO Iberia at BBraun. He received his Engineer´s Degree in 1998 Computer Engineer from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. Later he received his Master in Business Administration Degree in 2002 from ESADE.
In 2007 he received his Master in Technology Management (MGTI) from BES La Salle, Later he received his Management Development Program (PDD) from IESE. Later in 2015 he received his CIO Advanced Program from ESADE.
In 2016 he received his Master in Digital Business from ESADE.
Since 2008 he has participated in different courses: Master in Technology Management (MGT), Master in Information Technology (MGTI), Master in eHealth (MeH), Master in Project Management (MPM), Master in Supply Chain Management (MSCMT) and he is also associate professor in Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola in Lima (Peru).