31 May 2018

La Salle-URL boosts its offer in the computing area with 5 degrees

La Salle-URL boosts its offer in the computing area with 5 degrees

In addition to the traditional Degree in Computer Engineering, in La Salle is possible to do International Computer Engineering, which was launched this year. This degree is the only program in Barcelona 100% in English that facilitates the knowledge and skills needed to meet the new demands of the global economy in the computer industry, and includes two international stages that come close to the real experience of world culture and economy, leading the digital revolution "anytime, anyplace." Professionals that will emerge from these studies will be engineers who will play a very active part in the cloud computing revolution, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.

And for those people who are interested in management and computer science, La Salle-URL also offers a double degree, also in English, which combines International Computer Engineering and the Degree in Management of Business and Technology that allows in 5.5 years obtain the two official degrees and have a global background in two of the areas with the greatest growth projection. The objective of this degree is to provide the company with people with a very unique professional profile that facilitates their rapid incorporation into the workplace.

The La Salle-URL offer in this area is completed with the Degree in Software Application Techniques. Being the first 3 year computer program, it focuses on the methodological, technical and technological issues of computer science from a very practical point of view, with output profiles related to the development of mobile applications, the creation of Websites, system administration, technical support and digital marketing. It offers the opportunity to develop comprehensive projects based on real and current cases with a very practical and professional approach to have the ability to immediately apply this knowledge in the workplace.

Finally, the fifth grade in this area is the Degree in Telematics Engineering, specialized in Internet networks and technologies of the future, with both telecommunication and information concepts, and which covers critical aspects currently such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, the Smart Cities or Internet of Things.

Degree Computer Engineering
degree in international computer engineering
Degree in Software Application Techniques
Degree Telematics Networks and Internet Technologies
Double Degree Qualification International Computer Engineering and Management Business and Management