Titular Professors
2. Pre-requirements:
The architecture and building works of the masters of modern architecture.
3. Competences that the subject helps to develop
Interpersonal competences
IT1- Acquire critical capacity
IT2- Work in teams
IT7- Capacity to work in an international environment
Systematical competences
CS1- Apply knowledge into practice
CS2- Research abilities
CS3- Capacity to learn
CS7- Knowledge of cultures and customs of other countries.
CS8- Work autonomously
Instrumental competences
IS1- Analysis and synthesis capacities
IS5- Communication
IS8- Information management abilities (ability to look for information in different sources and analyze them)
A6- Graphic creation
A8- Architectonical critic
A28- Technical analysis of projects
B4- Shapes analysis
B8- Artistic basis
B9- General Theory
B10- General History of architecture
4. Learning objectives of the subject:
Students who complete our course of `The survival of Modern Architecture´ acquire the knowledge and develop the skills listed below:
1. To have a knowledge of the most relevant works, facts and writings of the second half of the twentieth century, to enable the student to develop future projects. (a)
2. Effective oral and written communication. (b)
3. To understand all the contemporary aspects related to his/her profession, along with the need for a continuous form of training. (c)
1. Eick Gunnar Asplund: the architecture of the Nordic classicism and its influence in the modern architecture develop in northern Europe.
2. Alvar Aalto: the assimilation of modernity and its adaptation to a territory with an own culture and a new view of organic architecture.
3. Louis I. Kahn: get to modernity through order and classicism. The importance of geometry without quitting the concept of big monuments.
4. Arne Jacobsen: the expression and delight for a new language of modernity. The value of the local tradition understood as a recognizable language that should persist.
5. Giuseppe Terragni: a short but dense view of the modern architecture´s language in northern Italy. A singular case.
6. Pierre Charreau: La Maison de Verre, as an example of modern architecture that confront the intervention of an historical building of 1800 Paris.
7. James Stirling and the New Brutalism associated to new technologies in architecture. The recovery of the leadership as consequence of the industrial revolution of the XVIII century.
8. Alison & Peter Smithson: a tribute to the master of `less is more´ and the importance of an urban context as reference of an architecture near the society, the social context and the environment.
6. Teaching-learning methodological approach to accomplish the objectives:
Instrumental competences:
General basic knowledge of the study area.
Basic knowledge of the profession.
Written communication in the own language.
Interpersonal competences:
Critic and auto-critic capacity.
Capacity to communicate with inexpert people on the subject.
Ethical compromise.
Systematical competences:
Capacity to put knowledge into practice.
Capacity to learn.
Capacity to generate new ideas.
Knowledge of customs and cultures of different countries.
Subject description
The subject is guided by a creative process that goes from the study of some important architectural works, continues with a formal and conceptual analysis of such works, and ends with new proposals from the formal and conceptual principles discovered.
Dedication to the subject 3 ECTS credits 26 credits/hour = 78 hours
Half-yearly dedication 19 weeks (17 class weeks + 2 exam weeks)
Weekly dedication 4 hours /class week
Concept Total hours
37 class hours
. 24
31 hours of student´s work (individual and in group)
Guided work
Non guided work
Hours to prepare the exam
.. 8
Exam hours
.. 2
Educative activities:
- Joint analysis of the concepts in seminars. 35%
- Joint analysis (professor and student) of study cases. 20%
- Comprehension, exposition, debate and comments of the students´ works. 10%
- Works to develop face-to-face or in a virtual space, sharing the resolution of the proposals on the web. 35%
7. Evaluation of the achievement-level of the objectives
There will be two evaluations: one that corresponds to the work that the student will carry out about a building work built by an architect, and the other that corresponds to the written exam at the end of the semester. Attendance and participation are important to pass the subject taking into account the rules stated.
The results evaluation will be based in 3 objectives:
Objective 1:
- The student has to show her/his knowledge of the most important building works of the second half of the twentieth century. (a)
Objective 2:
- The student must show her/his ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. (b)
Objective 3:
- The student has to understand all the contemporary aspects related with the practice of her/his profession along with the need for a continuous form of training. (c)
Evaluation system of the acquired competences
Homework 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A, GROUP B
Reports/group work 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A, GROUP B
Projects 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A, GROUP B
Participation in class 20 IS, IT, CS, GROUP A, GROUP B
According to the 5th Article of the Royal Decree 1125/2003 of September 5th, the results obtained by a student in each subject of the Study Program will be evaluated with a numerical scale from 0 to 10 admitting one decimal and it might also admit one of the following qualitative evaluations:
0-4.9: failed (SS) | 5.0-6.9: passed (AP) | 7.0-8.9: notable (NT) | 9.0-10: excellent (Sb)
8. Basic information sources. Bibliography:
Montaner, Josep Maria, Después del movimiento moderno, arquitectura de la segunda mitad del siglo XX, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcelona, 1993.
Frampton, Kenneth, Historia crítica de la arquitectura moderna, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcelona, 1998.
Moneo, Rafael, Inquietud teórica y estrategia proyectual en la obra de ocho arquitectos contemporáneos, Actar, Barcelona, 2004.
Colqhoun, Alan, La arquitectura moderna, una historia desapasionada, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcelona, 2005.
Capitel, Anton, Las formas ilusorias en la arquitectura moderna, Tanais Ediciones, Sevilla, 2005.
Smithson, Alison y Peter, Cambiando el arte de habitar. Piezas de Mies, Sueños de Eames, los Smithson. Editorial Gustavo Gili S.A., Barcelona, 2001.
Vidotto, Marco, A+P Smithson, Editorial Gustavo Gili, S.A., Barcelona, 1997.
Gropius, Walter, Apolo en la democracia, Monte Avila Editoras, Caracas, 1968.