This subject suggests an approach to the different research procedures in architecture by means of the plural view of different people. We talk about how the research should be or how it is in the different ambits of architecture: urbanism, building and representation. To answer this question, the course is divided in different units in which different researchers will explain their research methodologies and experiences.
Type Subject
Primer - Obligatoria
Previous Knowledge

Hold a Bachelor in Architecture or in Building Engineering.


The objective is to provide guidelines to formulate a research. Through the different lectures, it is expected that the students that are doing a research for the first time, find guidelines to apply in their own researches.


The course is divided in different units dedicated to each one of the master´s research lines: projects, urbanism, building and representation.
In class, the lecturers will explain their approach methods by means of their own experience as researchers. It is not only about including all the ambits of a varied subject as architecture, but to offer multiple possibilities of doing the same activity: research.


The course combines theoretical and practical classes. Theoretical classes are divided in three units, each one dedicated to one of the following: projects and technology, city and territory and representation and conception. In each unit, there are sessions intended to work and to discuss the projects that students are doing at the same time.


The evaluation depends of the competences of each subject.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of the subject is continuous. Beside the different and periodical presentations of the students in front of their classmates, they will also have to do a final work to deepen in the analysis of the course´s objective.

Basic Bibliography

Eco, Umberto. Cómo se hace una tesis. Técnicas y procedimientos de estudio, investigación y
escritura. 1ª ed. Barcelona: Gedisa, 2001.
Foqué, Richard. Building Knowledge in Architecture. 1ª ed. University Press Antwerp, 2010.
Gastón, Cristina y Teresa Rovira. El proyecto moderno. Pautas de investigación. 1ª. ed.
Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2007.
Groat, Linda y David Wang: Architectural Research Methods.1ª ed. Estados Unidos: John
Wiley & Sons, 2002.
Laurel, Brenda. Design Research: Methods and Perspectives. 1ª ed. Cambridge: MIT Press,